Chapter 17

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I woke up the next morning without a problem. Talking to Harry really had cheered me up. I got dressed and combed out my hair. I walked down the hall to greet my mom before she ran out the door. I was greeted by an empty house and a note on the table. It read: Had to leave for business trip be back in a few days. Xox mom. I sighed. My house was a little scary when I was by myself, and Id have to deal with it for a couple days.

I grabbed my keys and walked to by car with an unusual bounce in my step. If just talking to him did this to me, imagine how I would be when I saw him. He gave me chills looking at him when I saw him regularly, so sense I haven’t really gotten to see him in more than 2 weeks, ill probably collapse when we finally meet up again.

As I pulled into my parking spot I prepared myself for the same treatment id gotten sense id got home. People had not backed off even though I was clearly upset earlier this week. Even when I glared at them they would sit with ridiculous grins and stare at me until I answered them. Lately I have been walking away when I didn’t feel like talking, which was often. But this morning was different; I was actually open to talking to people. I smiled at the girls next to me as I got out. They seemed a little confused but smiled back. During my first three blocks my ear was practically chatted off, but I smiled and answered them all. I wasn’t sure how much longer this good mood was going to last.

I wanted to see Miranda and thank her for calling Harry, and also to slap her silly for calling him. He doesn’t need to be worrying about me when hes trying to answer questions during interviews.  I walked into the cafeteria to my usual table. Miranda looked up when I pulled my chair out.

“ Hi love!” I said smiling.

A shocked look crossed her face “ Your talking!” She exclaimed. I got up and walked over to where she was sitting and pulled her into a hug. The girl next to her got up so I could sit down.

“ Thank you for calling him.” I whispered not wanting to use Harry’s name.

She smiled “ So you talked to him!” She exclaimed.

“ Yeah!” I said beaming.

“Well tell me everything!” She said leaning in.

I laughed and filled her in on the details. When lunch was over I got up and went to my next class waving goodbye to her.

This had to be my least favorite block, algebra 2. Not only was I not good at math, but I couldn’t focus because it was so god damned boring. I sat with my head leaned against my hand as I tried to pay attention to my teacher drown on. I glanced up at the clock. Time always moved slowly in this class. A girl with a yellow slip of paper walked through the door and handed the slip to my teacher. I didn’t bother sitting up because it was never me that got the yellow notices from the office. My teacher glanced at the paper and said “ Emily.” She raised her eyebrows at me. I sat up a little startled. I got up and took the paper from her. It said I was being dismissed early. I grabbed my books and my bag and hurried out the door. Knowing my mom she probably forgot to tell me about a dentist appointment or something. I crammed my math books into my locker, then headed for the office. It was inconvenient having to walk all the way from the office to my car, but it was the only way I could leave.

I pushed the overly large doors to the office open and handed the lady my slip.

“sign out please.” She said flatly.

I signed out and then was granted permission to leave. Before I left I stopped and asked “ Do you happen to know why I got this?”

The lady stared and me blankly and replied “No.” then turned back to her work.

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