Chapter 3

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Finally the day arrived. That day I was a lot peppier than I usually was, although I was still a nervous wreck.  I was constantly holding onto somebody for I was afraid I would fall over if I didn’t. Miranda had told me that they would call me if I won. I checked my phone countless times, but nobody called. I waited and waited. I paced my room. I stared at my phone intently, but nothing worked.

Finally I collapsed on my bed and sobbed. Damn you Miranda for making me do this. Damn you for getting my hopes up. Damn that stupid Contest. I crawled under my covers and lied my head down on my pillow. I sat and stared into the dark trying to forget the awful day.

My phone started buzzing my pillow. I reached under it and picked it up and slide the bar.

“Hello?” I sniffled.

“Uh hi is... Emily there?” a male voice asked.

“Yes this is her.” I said with a forlorn tone.

“Hi this is Liam Payne form one direction.” The male voice started.

I bolted straight up. No fucking way I thought,

“We received your video submission and we all really liked it. We have all come to a decision that you are our winner.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “ uhh” I stammered. That was intelligent I thought. “You chose m-me?”

I heard him chuckle “Yes, you sang moments beautifully. So it would be our honor if you would join us for our concert!”

“I would be the honored one!” I yelled.

“Excellent! We have arranged for a plane to fly you to LA tonight, sorry for such short notice, but we need to start rehearsing right away.”

I fell back on my bed. “Yes of course I’ll be there. Thank you so much, I will see you soon!”

“Goodbye, Emily. See you soon.”

The second I hung up I called Miranda in tears. I couldn’t believe what was happening I need to pack, and get dressed. I was leaving tonight!

“Hello?” she answered

“I won” I said still in awe of what happened

“You won!?” she screamed from the other end. “Holy shit congrats!! I can’t believe it! What happens now?”

“I fly to LA tonight!” I yelled. We squealed in excitement and shock.

“I have to go! I have to pack” I said whipping the tears from my face.

I threw my things in my bag as fast as I could, trying to remember the essentials. When I had finished packing I bolted out the door for my car. I drove to the airport as fast as I could. When I had parked I was unsure of what I had to do. They didn’t give me instructions on how to find the plane. When I walked inside there was a short man wearing suit and a hat holding a sign with my name on it. I walked over and said “uh hi I’m Emily Doll. Are you here to take me to the plane?”

He nodded. He took my bags and walked off. I guessed I was supposed to follow him. He took me to a separate section that only had a few people sitting in the waiting terminal and from what I saw they all looked pretty rich.

“What kind of plane is this?” I asked the man.

“It only takes off for certain people, important people.”

“Oh, err, okay.”

We boarded as soon as we got there. I was shuffled in and sat down. The flight was only an hour so that gave me time to nap. It is pretty late I thought I wonder why they waited so long to call me. I drifted off as I sat in the luxury first class seating of the private plane.

It didn’t seem like I was asleep for long when the same man woke me up.

“The pilot announced our landing.” He said

“Ok” I said groggily. I followed the man off the plane. There was an SUV waiting for us when we got off.

We drove for about 30 minutes. I wasn’t sure where we were. We seemed to be driving in a deserted place. Finally we pulled up to a gated house; well house wasn’t the right word. It was more like a hotel but I knew it wasn’t.

I was escorted into the house. It was very dark but huge. I wasn’t able to see details as we walked through the halls. I caught a glimpse of a clock. 2:30 AM it read. I was exhausted and ready to sleep. We finally reached what was my room. I didn’t even pay attention to the room as I feel into bed. The sheets were soft though. I instantly fell asleep dreaming of what was to come the next day. After all I was a winner.

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