Chapter 24

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“Good morning!” Liam sing- songed as he swung my door open. I forced my eyes open confused on what was going on. It was Saturday meaning we didn’t have rehearsal today. We had been rehearsing non- stop all week long and all of us were pretty wiped. This included Liam but for some strange reason he was extra perky this morning.

“Get out.” Harry grumbled firmly pointing to the door. He locked his arm around my waist forbidding me to get out of bed. I snuggled closer to him, not wanting to get out of bed either.

“What’s going on Payne?” I hissed still thick with sleepiness.

Liam stopped in his tracks. “Today is important!  My girlfriend and your best friend is flying in today.” He grinned looking extra excited.

I sat up “Oh yeah I totally forgot about that!” Miranda was supposed to fly in a week from the concert and yep it was that time already. I hadn’t spoken to her sense I left so I was really excited to see her.

“Harry, Miranda is coming today!” I said excitedly kissing his cheek.

He put on a sarcastic excited face and then pulled his pillow over his head. I rolled my eyes “Liam, what time does her plane come in?”

“We should probably leave in about 35 minutes.” Liam said answering my real question.

I smiled “Okay will you give us a moment? And then well be out.” I asked sweetly.

“Sure thing.” Liam said smiling back. He shut the door behind him quickly. I turned my attention to my snoring boyfriend next to me. I smirked and got on top of Harry. I kissed along his shoulder blades trying to get him to turn over. I hoped off as he did so.  He smiled over at me “do we have to get up?” he asked.

I just placed my lips on top of his kissing him slowly. Wed been interrupted a lot this past week so I was making up for lost time. I slid my tongue across his lower lip enjoying the dominance he was letting me have. He smiled against my lips and laughed as I intertwined my fingers into his hair. “Okay I’m awake.” He laughed as I pulled away. I rested my head on his chest and smiled widely.

“Can I ask a favor of you?” Harry asked smiling.

“Of course.” I answered tracing my fingers along his stomach.

He shivered beneath my touch “Will you be my date to this award show we have to attend?”

I perked up getting excited “what award show?” I asked raising my eyebrows.

“The MTV music awards I think.” He said shrugging.

 I smiled “of course I will!” I practically yelled. “When is it?”

“Two nights before we perform.” He said.

I smiled “why didn’t you say anything earlier?”

“Well Ray just told us about it and its great and all and we’re really honored to have been invited, but it’s not really our thing. For us it’s just an excuse to get drunk.” He said laughing. “But if your there I’ll be a perfect gentlemen and lay off a bit.”

I rolled my eyes “Wow aren’t you just a prince.” I said sarcastically. I frowned then remembering something.

 “I don’t have anything nice enough to wear.”

He winked at me “You let me take care of that.” He leaned down and kissed my forehead. “We better get up if you want to get ready in time to go get your girl.”

“Oh right!” I said jumping up. I walked down the hall to the kitchen were everyone was gathered as usual. We’re a hungry bunch I guess.

“I’m going to the MTV awards!” I yelled dancing into the kitchen.

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