Chapter 6

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The next day was supposed to start off with an early rehearsal.  I must admit I was nervous…okay I was really nervous. Considering I was forced into even doing this, I didn’t know how I was going to be able to sing in front of them. But despite my extreme nerves I got out of bed anyway. After going through my usual morning routine I wandered down the hall to see if I could attempt to find the kitchen by myself. I figured by the smell of bacon being cooked I was getting close.

Victory! I thought as I walked into the kitchen very proud of my navigating skills.

“Good morning darlin” Niall greeted me with a smile. He is pretty cute I thought.

“Morning” I said still racked with nerves. I grabbed my usual breakfast choice, a banana, out of a bowl on the counter.

“Not a breakfast person?” Niall asked. Clearly he was based on the stack of pancakes, mountain of eggs and three pieces of bacon stacked on his plate. He saw the look I gave him and said “what I like food.”

I laughed, “I like food too; its just breakfast just does not sound good at 8 o clock”

I began to peel my banana, when some of the other boys walked in.

“Having a good talk you two?” Zayn asked looking at Niall.

“Yup.” Niall said shooting him a look. I just smiled and glanced between the two of them.

I took a bite of my banana. I began to chew when Louis nudged me and said “enjoying that banana?” he made some crude hand gestures after.

“Pervert” I growled.  He laughed and carried on fixing himself his plate.

“You’re really charming” Liam said with a laugh. “Just ignore him Em, we all do.” He smiled. Why were they all so handsome? I thought.

“Harry doesn’t.” Louis said with a wicked smile. “In fact, last night, he paid lots of attention to me.”

Niall and Zayn couldn’t contain there laughter and both started cracking up.

“Leave.’ Liam said pointing at the door.

“What! I’m just joking” Louis said holding his hands up in defense “besides I have a girlfriend, remember?”

I just sat and stared at them all with an amused look on my face. If anything they were entertaining.

“Well” I said hopping out of my chair “I guess ill see you guys down there later”

“ Where are you going?” Niall asked. All the guys exchanged looks between them because of Niall’s quick reaction.

“Oh I’m going to call a friend.” I said smiling.  I left the room but on the way out I heard Niall say “ Do you think it’s her boyfriend?” I laughed and hollered “Nope!”

The other boys started laughing probably at the embarrassment I had just caused. Oh well it didn’t hurt to let them know I was single…

I sat on the bench near the window and curled my legs up so I could rest my head. I picked up my phone and called Miranda. She was probably dying to know what was happening.

“Hello!” she answered on the first ring.

“Hey there” I said laughing at her eagerness.

“Tell me everything!” she exclaimed

“Well the house is beautiful! My room is amazing, although I get lo-“

She cut me off “I don’t care about the fricken house! Tell me about the guys!  You are staying with them right?”

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