Chapter 28

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It has been 2 days now since I'd left Harry and come home crying. I tried not to let this send me into another depression but it was hard. I didn't know if this time i'd get Harry back. I also didn't know if my offer to tour with them still stood, not that I was sure I could take it now. I wish I had at least gotten to say goodbye to the other guys. They had grown to be apart of my family, and the last thing I wanted to do was hurt them.

I sat agasint the window in my room with my music blarring through my headphones. It was the only way I could escape my racing thoughts. If I let myself think about Harry, i'd want to call him. I'd want to run back to him and appologize for leaving. But I couldn't do that. I had to remind myself constantly that I had nothing to apollogize for. He was the one that let me down.

Sleeping was also out of the question. When I closed my eyes all I could see was Harry's face before the door shut. It was always on a constant loop in my mind. The way his eyes were filled with such sadness and regret. But regret for what? Kissing her or getting caught?

I shook my head trying to get the picture of him out of my head. My music today didnt seem to be working today. My mom poked her head through the door in slowly not wanting to wake me if I was asleep. She met my eyes and smiled sadly. My mom had been so great about all of this. She had listened so intently when I burst through the door two nights ago sobbing about what had happened. She was the reason I hadn't gone into a downward spiral. She made sure I talked to her even if It was just for a second, or encouraged me to go out with her. She also gave me my space, which I greatly appreciated.

I took my earbuds out so I could hear what she was saying. " You have some friends here to see you." She said softly.

I nodded " You can let them in." I said smiling at her. She nodded and blew a kiss at me before leaving the room. Miranda and Liam came in soon after. Miranda ran to me with her arms wide open. She trapped me in an overly tight hug. It was the first time I was seeing her sense that night. I laughed and hugged her back. She pulled away and examined me closley. " You look a lot better than I expected you to be." She said happily.

I made a face at her " Thanks a lot." I laughed. I knew I looked okay, but inside, not matter how cheesy this may sound, I was still suffering of a broken heart.

"Well I mean last time." She started trailing off.

"lets not talk about that." I said biting my lip.

I looked over at Liam who lingered at the door. He stood looking at his feet. I got up and walked over to him. I touched his arm and looked at him tentativley. "Liam?" I asked quitely. He threw his arms around me locking me into his arms.

"Im so sorry." He whispered sadly.

"Liam, you're going to break one of my ribs." I squeaked out. He pulled away quickly smiling sheepishly.

" I really am so sorry Em. I was really shocked when I heard what happened." Liam said running his hand through his hair.

I smiled at him unsure of what to say. What could I say? Its okay? If I said that I would be lying to myself. "yeah well, I was pretty shocked too." I went and sat back down by my window sill. Liam went and sat by Miranda who had moved to my bed. They both sat facing me with sympathetic looks on their faces.

I let out a deep sigh " So what happened with Chloe?" I asked.

Miranda smirked " Ray had her escorted out of the building." I chuckled. I wasn't really in the mood to laugh but picturing her being carried out gave me a bit of a thrill. I suddenly remebered about Niall. I was going to tell him what happened but never got the chance to. "What happened with Niall?" I whispered.

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