Chapter 20

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Emily” I heard being whispered. I kept my eyes shut hoping it was a dream. “EM.” I heard whispered again. I was being lightly shaken. I groaned and opened my eyes slightly. Harry laid there smiling at me.

“Yes?” I grumbled. I wasn’t a morning person, even if the best person possible did wake me up.

He touched my cheek softly. “Your alarm went off.” He said.

I sighed knowing id have to get out of the warm sheets and prepare myself for the day. I do like school, really I do, it’s just I hate people. Not everyone obviously, but just enough to make me go crazy. And this might just be my morning grumpiness talking, but I don’t really care if this means I am some kind of antisocial bitch. Well actually…

“Hello?” Harry asked, thumping me on the forehead.

“Ow!”I complained returning from my thoughts.

“why don’t you stay home today?” Harry said smiling sweetly at me. So far he had suggested this every morning sense he’d been here. Maybe one day wouldn’t hurt I thought to myself. I smiled and played with a loose curl on his forehead. “Okay, I’ll stay today.” I declared, grinning back at him.

He looked like he hadn’t heard me correctly. It took him a second to react “ Yay!” he exclaimed rolling on top of me.

“Harry get off of me!” I shrieked going into a fit of giggles.

He pinned me down and smirked down at me as I tried to free myself. “ What is it with you and physical restraint?” I huffed giving up.

He grinned and collapsed on top of me. I felt all of his wait on me “ your crushing me.” I managed to get out. He laughed and rolled off. I got up to tell Miranda that I was staying home. Harry carried me down the hall and set me down when we got to the kitchen. Liam and Miranda were still curled up on the couch. I tip toed over and stared down at them.

“Miranda.” I whispered shaking her lightly. She didn’t budge so I said it a little louder. “Miranda!” She mumbled something but kept her eyes closed. “Miranda!” Harry yelled at the top of his lungs. Both Liam and Miranda jolted awake. Liam fell of the couch and Miranda bolted up right.  I flew around startled by his booming voice. He kept on casually fixing himself a bowl of cereal. I put my hand over my heart trying to calm myself down. “Really?” I exclaimed.

“Your method wasn’t working.” He said flatly and shrugged.

Liam lay panting on the ground recovering from his fall. “What?” Miranda yelled at me with wide eyes.

“I’m not going to school today.” I declared collapsing into the chair across from the couch.

“Alright than neither am I.” She said readjusting herself onto the couch. I walked over to where Harry leaned against the counter. I wrapped my arms and looked up at him batting my eyes. He grinned down at me.

“What do you want to do today?” I asked.

“Let’s go actually do something.” Miranda said from the couch. “Like not in Sacramento. We could do a road trip or something.”

I turned back around and looked up at Harry raising my eyebrows “It could be fun to actually go out and do something.” I said smiling hopefully.

“Well everyone knows I’m here now thanks to Liam, so there’s no point in me shaking up here all day any longer.” He said shooting a look at Liam.

“I’m sorry! The fans saw me! What could I do ignore them? Tell them I wasn’t really there?” he said throwing his arms into the air.

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