Chapter 26

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“Babe!” Harry said shaking me awake. I jolted awake in a cold sweat.  I wiped the tears from my cheeks trying to slow down my breathing. Harry pulled me into his chest and hugged me close. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” He asked sounding concerned.

I took a deep breathe trying to calm down “Just a bad dream.” I mumbled resting my head against his chest. It was the day of the concert and needless to say I was a bit nervous. We had been practicing nonstop sense we got back, but I was still worried. No matter how great we sounded, I still couldn’t get over my stage fright. Harry pulled away to look at me. His eyes filled with concerned as he examined me. “Still nervous about tonight?” he asked. I nodded and wiped my face again. Harry leaned forward and kissed my forehead. “You’re going to do great love.” He said reassuringly. “And even if you do screw up, you have all 5 of us up there for support.” I smiled at him trying to let him know I was okay. He didn’t look convinced as he narrowed his eyes at me.  I glanced over at the clock trying to avoid his stare. It was 7:00 AM. I didn’t want to go back to sleep and fall right back into my nightmare.  I sighed and pulled the covers off of me.  There was no point in going back to sleep because soon Ray would be coming to get us to rush us off to the venue. I went to the bathroom hoping a shower would calm me down. I didn’t want to be a nervous wreck all day. The warm water soothed me a little, relieving me of my worries for the moment. When I got out I pulled my hair into a bun and got into my sweatpants. I didn’t bother letting my hair dry because I knew I’d be under Ashley’s control until I went on stage. She didn’t even let me pick out my outfits. She told me not to worry about it and to just focus on practicing which was a relief to me.

When I got out to the kitchen no one else was up yet. As I poured myself some cereal my nerves began to creep up on me again. My hands were sweaty messes as I thought about the huge crowd id have to face tonight. My eye started to twitch like it always did when I was stressed out. I quickly rubbed it trying to make it stop so I wouldn’t look like a lunatic.

“Did you hear me love?” I heard Liam ask me from behind me. I quickly flew around.

“What?” I asked a little dazed. Liam chuckled and sat down at the table. “I asked if you were alright. You were standing there pouring milk staring into space.” He said pointing to the mess id made on the counter.

I smiled sheepishly at him and went to mop up the milk. “I’m just a little nervous.” I confessed going to sit next to him.

He patted my hand and offered me a comforting smile. “You’re going to do great.” He said.

I didn’t want to talk about the concert tonight anymore. “Where’s Miranda?” I asked through a mouthful of Honey bunches of Oats.

Liam made a face at the wad of food he had to look at “that’s cute.” He said rolling his eyes. I shrugged and smiled at him. I’m sure it wasn’t the worst thing he’d ever seen; I mean he did have to share a room with the other 4 boys at one point. I mean I have been sharing a room with Harry for a couple weeks now, and I can honestly say he’s a slob.

“She’s still asleep. Did you know she looks like a bunny when she sleeps?” he said grinning at me.

I laughed “no I can’t say that I did, but thanks for letting me know. By the way when is Ray coming to get us?” I asked. Liam always knew everything about our schedule.

“he should be here anytime now. Hopefully everyone wakes up before he gets here; we wouldn’t want anyone being soaked.” He answered laughing.

Harry and Niall walked into the kitchen. Harry kissed my cheek before making himself breakfast. Slowly the others started coming in as well. I talked with Miranda and Eleanor while the boys ran around the kitchen. It was dangerous to get in their way when food was involved. I eyed Chloe as she leaned up against the doorframe watching the boys. She was watching Harry a little too closely this morning. I’m not sure what it was about that girl, but there was something I didn’t like about her. The fact that she mentally undressed my boyfriend whenever she looked at him could be a part of it.  I stood up and walked over to Harry. I looped my arms around his waist and smiled up at him. I leaned up and kissed him making sure it was nice and long sense Chloe was watching. I glanced over at her in time to see her shoot daggers at me with her eyes and then storm out of the room. That’ll teach her to lust after my guy I thought mentally giving myself a high five.

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