chapter 19

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I had remembered to set my alarm clock before I went to sleep last night, so luckily I was woken up by it. I tossed the covers off of me fumbling around for the snooze button.

“Make it stop.” Harry grumbled from under the covers. I shot him a look and finally pressed the button. I sat for a second rubbing my eyes trying to wake up. Suddenly an arm seized my waist from behind pulling me back down.

“Stay with me.” Harry said without opening his eyes.

I giggled trying to free myself “ I can’t! I have school!”

“Skip a day. I need you here. Im so bored without you.” He mumbled.

I rolled my eyes “ You sleep most of the day anyway so why do you need me? and Liam is here now so go do stuff with him!”

“He’s not fun to cuddle with.” Harry said sadly.

“You’ve tried before?” I asked raising my eyebrows.

“ I was lonely before you.” He said defensively.

I laughed “Harry let go of me! I have to get ready you’re going to make me late!” I pushed at his arm but he wouldn’t budge. Finally he let out a long sigh releasing me. I squirmed away from him in case he tried to put a death grip on me again. He rolled over and watched me as I ran around the room getting ready. Once I was ready I stood at the end of the bed and looked at him. He had his arm behind his head, His arm flexed a bit. He wore no shirt and his cute flannel pajama bottoms. He put on a smirk as he watched me trace over him with my eyes. I sighed “ you’re making this very hard for me to leave you.” I said.

“So stay!” he said sitting up. He took my hand and brought it to his mouth kissing it. I blushed and ripped my hand away.

“You will not put me under a spell with your charm!” I yelled at him smiling.

He rolled his eyes and laid back. I walked over and put a kiss on his forehead before leaving.

“ Bye love. Do something with Liam today.” I shot over my shoulder before walking out the door.

I walked down the hall and into the kitchen. Liam was passed out on the couch. He had his arm slung over his eyes. I tip toed over to him and lifted his arm. I let it slam back down on his face trying to wake him up. He jolted awake and nearly fell off the couch.

“ You look hangover.” I observed from above him.

He glared up at me and readjusted himself “ Why would you do that to me?” he asked sleepily.

“Do something with Harry today. Get him out of the house.” I said walking away to grab my bag.

“will do.” he said turning over and falling back asleep.

The school day went by surprisingly fast. I didn’t get a chance to see Miranda at lunch today, but was greeted by her at my car. She stood waiting for me and waved when she saw me.

“What’s up?” I said smiling as I neared her.

“So can I come over?” She asked putting on her sweetest smile.

“Sense when do you ask?” I said laughing.

She shrugged and hopped into the car. I looked over at her confused “ where’s your car?” I asked.

“I figured you’d say yes so I had my dad drop me off this morning.” She said aiming the AC at herself.

I laughed “okay. Although I know you only want to see Liam and not me.” I teased putting on a sad face.

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