Chapter 22

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“Wake up!” I heard being called through the house. Somebody as walking up and down the halls banging on the doors, trying to get us all up. Mine was the last to be banged open seeing as I was in a different hall. Harry came to bed with me last night which set the whole house into full teasing mode. Harry threw his pillow over his head and groaned.

“This is not happening.” I said snuggling up closer to him. The banging finally stopped and the house was quite. I heard footsteps approaching my room.

“If you don’t get up Ray will dump water on you.” Louis said from the door. I lifted my head. He looked dry. I raised my eyebrow. He reached out and caught someone by the shirt pulling them into view. There stood Zayn soaked from head to toe. “He’s not joking.” He said flatly walking away. I sat up and rubbed my eyes not wanting to get water dumped on me. I shook Harry.  “Get up babe.” I said yawning. He lifted the pillow off of his head and looked up at me sleepily. I’m not sure why Ray was doing this to us. We had just gotten here yesterday, so we were all pretty tired. I knew we had a lot of work to do but why were we starting so early? Harry shoved the covers off of him. He sat at the end of the bed and put his hands to his face. I crawled over and started massaging his shoulders. He patted my hands and stood up. He turned around and kissed my forehead before leaving the room. I trailed behind him. Everyone met up in the living room. All of us were still in our pajamas with the same confused look on our faces. Ray stood in the middle smiling widely at us all.

“Good! Now that you’re all awake here’s the deal for the week. We are in constant work mode. No more hanging out and doing whatever. We have a lot of rehearsal time to catch up on.” He pointed at me “You need to start practicing the other song we chose for you to sing with the guys, also you and harry need to choose the song you’re going to sing and let me know.”  Ray then turned addressing the group again “As for today, I have an interview set up first thing, which includes you.” He said pointing at me again. “Then we run over to a signing, do a meet and greet, and end with a radio interview.” He said smiling. The boys all nodded in full business mode. “Then we end the day with a rehearsal.” Ray finished. He clapped his hands together “Go and get ready. Eat some breakfast, shower, and meet back here at… 12:30.” It was 10:30 now so we had plenty of time. Ray left the room going to do whatever he does when he’s not giving us directions.

“Should be fun.” Liam said trying to brighten everyone’s moods.

Harry grabbed my hand and pulled me to the kitchen. The other guys followed behind us. I sat down and harry stood at the stove scrambling eggs. Niall sat down and pulled Chloe onto his lap. “Are you coming with us today?” I asked Chloe. She looped and an arm around Niall’s neck “ yeah I think so. Ray’s kind of intimidating, so I was a little afraid to ask.” She said laughing.

“I get what you mean, but he was really nice to me when we first met, so I guess im used to him.” I said shrugging.

“Oh right, you won that contest. It’s funny you guys all seem so close. In public it looks like you guys have known each other forever.” She said.

“I know! It’s hard to believe I just met them like 2 months ago or something like that.”

Harry came over and set a plate in front of me. He kissed my cheek as he turned to go. I smiled up at him. I looked up to see Chloe staring at Harry. I eyed her raising my eyebrow. She finally looked up and blushed seeing that I saw her staring. I continued to eye her skeptically. She avoided me eyes and turned to nail trying to start a conversation. I stabbed my eggs still watching her. Why was she staring at him like that? I thought.

“You okay there Em?” Louis said sitting down next to me.

“Huh?” I said snapping out of my thoughts. “Oh yeah I’m fine.”

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