chapter 10

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The next couple of days moved by painfully slow. Not only did I have to wait a few more days for Miranda to come, but harry and I had made a decision I wasn’t too pleased about. We decided to keep our thing between the two of us… and Louis. The fact that I couldn’t be as affectionate with him as I wanted to be was killing me. It took pure will power not to attack him 24-7 and drag him to my room.  I did agree though that not letting the rest of the band know would be for the better so that things didn’t get weird. It also decreased the chance of the public finding out in case one of them accidently let it slip. Unfortunately this also meant I couldn’t tell Miranda.

I got up from my bed and wandered to the rehearsal room. I was greeted by Ray who was already in the process of talking to the guys.

“Harry has been put on vocal rest for the next couple of days. I would usually say we should rehearse anyway but I don’t think we should move ahead without him. So for right now you guys get the day off.” He smiled and left the room.

The guys high fived at the fact that they finally got a break. I was trying to hide my concern for harry .It might be a little suspicious if I took off flying down the hall to be with him.

Obviously I was not hiding it well because Louis came over to me and whispered “Go be with him. I’ll try to keep the guys occupied and away from Harrys room.” 

I smiled and said “I’ll see you guy’s later okay.” Before they could ask where I was going I ran out of the room.

I walked down the hall trying to calm myself down. I poked my head into his dark room to find him lying face down on his pillow. 

“Hi love.” I said walking towards him. I ran my hand through his curls as he lifted his head. He looked miserable.

“Why are you here?” He managed to get out. He shook his head and continued “Not that I don’t want you here it’s just that I know you guys have rehersal-“

I put my hand over his mouth. “Stop talking.” I smiled. “Rehearsal got canceled because of your vocal rest so I have all day to be with you.” I ran my hand across his cheek feeling the slight stubble that was starting to grow.

He scooted over and cuddled me into his chest. He nuzzled himself into my hair. Suddenly I began to feel his chest rise and fall differently. I looked up to see tears rolling down his cheek.

“Sweetie what’s wrong?” I said sitting up and bringing his head to my shoulder. I rubbed his back soothingly.

“I just feel terrible, I feel like I’m letting you all down. And the fans because I know I’m missing signings we had scheduled, and I feel like someone ran me over with a truck, and I just –“

I cupped his face and brought it to mine so our foreheads were touching.

“Harry, love, there is nothing you could do to let any of us down. We understand that you’re sick and it’s not your fault that your voice gave out a little. You have been working a lot lately. So you miss a signing or too. Your fans will understand. They want what’s best for you.” I smiled wiping the tears from his face. I placed a light kiss on his cheek. He grabbed my waist and pulled me in for another hug.

“Sorry I got all weepy on you.” He said chuckling.

I laughed and pulled away. “You need to stop talking now or you’ll never get better. We can watch movies in bed all day if that’s what it takes. You are officially banned from talking from this point on.” I stuck my tongue out at him.

I got up to slip a movie in and snuggled back under the covers laying my head on his chest. He ran his foot up and down my leg sending chills up my spine.  I giggled and said “Would you stop that?”

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