Chapter 8

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I awoke the next morning to my phone buzzing. Disoriented I searched around knocking down the items I had on my dresser. They fell to the floor with a loud crash causing me to jolt. I hadn’t drank last night but I felt like I had a hangover.

Finally find my phone I muttered “ Hello?”

“Did I wake you up?” Miranda said from the other end. I could tell she enjoyed that she woke me up. “Its 11:30, you shouldn’t sleep in so late.”

“ Yeah but it’s okay, and I had a busy night last night. ” I said smoothing my hair back.

“So I saw you on Jay Leno last night! You were great. You know the gossip blogs and such are already going crazy over Harry’s answer to if he had a thing for you or not.”

I grimaced “ oh yeah.. that” I laughed remembering his answer I’m looking into it. What the hell does that even mean?

“well if anything happens you’ll make sure to call me?”

“Nothing’s going to happen so don’t get too excited.” I was semi telling her the truth. I blushed remembering how I had kissed him on the cheek and snuggled with him on the way home. The other guys probably got a kick out of that. They still won’t let me live down sleeping in Harry’s room.

“Oh harry!” Zayn will say running to Louis who is pretending to be harry.

“Oh Emily! Quick! jump into my arms so that I can make love to you all night.”

Then Zayn jumps into Louis’ arms and they run off down the hall.

“I have to go” I said shaking my head.

“ okay, call me later.” Miranda said.

I pulled myself out of bed. It was probably too late to eat breakfast, but I might as well see if anyone else is awake. I walked down the hall to find a quite house. Looks like everyone was just as exhausted as I was.

There was a note from Ray on The rehearsal room’s door. “Rehearsal will be held this afternoon. Be here at 1 o clock.” I read aloud.

I walked back down to my room to see if I could sleep a little longer sense nobody was awake.

The nest time I woke up it was around 12:30. Perfect I thought.

I got up and pulled my clothes on. I walked down the hall to the rehearsal room to find that everyone was now awake.

“Good morning sleeping beauty.’ Louis called to me.

“ I was up before all of you.” I said.

I laid on the couch and kicked my feet up. I watched as Liam and Harry danced around the room to the music coming from Zayn’s phone. 

“Those are so great dance moves.” I laughed shaking my head.

“I don’t think you could do better.” Liam challenged.

“I accept your challenge.” I said standing up. I knew I was a terrible dancer but what they were doing wasn’t really considered dancing either. I started off with a little dougying and just kind of turned in circles and shook my butt.

Ray walked in interrupting our dance party. “ Good Harrys here.” Ray said patting Harry on the back.

“ I do show up occasionally.” Harry protested.

“Okay guys so well start with what makes you beautiful, one thing, and maybe stole my heart. Then we can rehearse Moments with Emily later.” I took my seat on the couch as the guys all crammed into the recording booth.

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