Chapter 13

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Sense Miranda’s visit last week had gone so well, I convinced her to stay another. Not that I really had to convince her or the boys. It was management who took a little work. They were “apprehensive” because they didn’t want her to take time away from rehearsal or distract us. As if we weren’t all distracted enough, and its not like we got any serious rehearsal with all the playing the guys do. But with a little help from Liam they said yes. After Miranda and Liam’s incident took place things had been a little strange between them. Miranda swore to me that what had happened was a one-time thing only and that it wouldn’t happen again until they were official. She refused to talk to Liam until he asked her out on a real date. Liam for some strange reason was taking his sweet time doing so.

On Monday morning Liam still hadn’t asked Miranda out, which was causing Miranda to lose her mind. She laid on the bed in a heap not moving.

“Sweety are you okay?” I asked sitting down next to her.

“I don’t know what to do!” she wailed from under her pillow. “ I just don’t understand why he hasn’t asked me out yet.”

“Maybe this whole ignoring him thing isn’t helping him along?” I suggested.

She raised her head to glare at me then tucked herself away again. “ I just don’t want him to think im easy.” She said with a sigh.

“He doesn’t think that.” I said comforting her. She didn’t say anything so I continued “ Why don’t you go take a walk or something to try to clear your head. You haven’t left this room in a while and I think some air would be good for you.”

She sat up and I smiled at her. I shuffled her out the door and made sure she actually made it down the street. I then went back to my room. Miranda, being as studious as she was, decided to bring some of my school books for me so I wouldn’t be so behind. I picked up my chem book and sat down at the window. Just as I had strated reading Liam walked through the door. He sat down on my bed with a serious expression on his face.

“ Thank god Liam,” I said closing my book “ You just saved me from doing homework.”

“ I need your help.” He began. I rasied my eyebrows at him so he continued “ I want to ask Miranda out, I reall do, its just that first of all I don’t know where to take her. Second of all I don’t want her to be abused by some of our… overly dedicated fans. I don’t think I could handle it if they said terrible things to her. And I would feel guilty all the time because I was the reason she would be harassed. And there’s the whole press situation. She would never be able to go out in public again. And I wouldn’t always be able to protect her from it!” He threw himself backwards and let out a groan.

I took a deep breathe “ okay first take her to dinner. Something really casual and cool , and if you take her to eat by the beach you guys can walk down there right around the time the sun is setting. Second If she really likes you she will handle the fans. She won’t let that stop her and she won’t blame you… Third the press will always be there so stop caring about it. If you like her and she likes you don’t let the press, or fans, or even management stop you, okay Liam?”

He sat up and smiled. “Should I ask her today?”

I nodded smiling back. “Shes walking right now, but when she gets back.”

He got up to leave but turned around and said “ Thanks Em.”

“No problem.”  I laughed.

After he left I tried giving chemistry another chance. Just as I began to read for the second time Miranda burst through the door. She was beaming.

“whats going on?” I said pretending I didn’t know.

“Liam! He just asked me out!” He jumped onto the bed and let out a squeal.

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