Chapter 11

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The next morning I woke up before my alarm. I was so excited to see my friend. This may have been the longest I have gone without seeing her. I missed her crazy ass. I hurriedly put clothes on and applied my makeup. By the time I was done the clock read 11:45. Oh shit I thought. Her plane landed at 12:15. I ran out my room. I quickly ran to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. I then went to the rehearsal room to say hi to the guys before I left. I poked my head in.  “ Just wanted to say bye before I left! When I return my other half will be with me.” I smiled.

“ We don’t need to of you.” Louis grumbled.

I laughed and ducked back out. Luckily I didn’t have to drive myself around LA because I knew I would get lost. When we arrived at the airport I had to wait what felt like forever even though it was only 15 minutes, I just missed that girl like crazy. When I saw her coming down the escalator I jumped out of my seat and ran to her. We had our hugging reunion in the middle of the sea of people. My driver grabbed her bags and helped us back to the car.

We small chatted on the way home but I could tell she was bubbling over with excitement.

 “okay!” she finally blurted out “ tell me about everyone! What do I need to know?”

The one thing I wanted to tell her the most I couldn’t so I said “ Niall is super nice and will love you right away. Louis will tease you to no end but he really is a nice guy and zayn is quite but you’ll like him and Liam is the best you’ll like him right away. And Harry…” I paused trying not to gush to much about him “ He’s alright.” I diverted me eyes.

She laughed “ is he a jerk or something?”

“No!” I shot back immediately “ I mean he’s just uhh different.” I smiled.

“oh okay.” She said nodding. When we pulled up to the house she took a deep breathe. I squeezed her hand” Don’t be nervous! They will LOVE you.” I smiled.

I opened the door for her. He mouth dropped. “ This Is where you have been living? This place is the size of our school.”

“I know! Its huge. Its harrys actually. It takes a while to get used to. God knows ive gotten lost in It enough times.”

I showed her to my room where she would be staying with me. “youll just sleep with me if that cool.”

She through herself on the bed. “ Oh my god.” She said into the matress. I laughed and sat next to her.

“ Don’t you want to go meet everyone?” I asked.

She sat and straightened herself up. “okay im ready.”

We walked down the hall to the rehearsal room. They were probably just finishing up.

We slipped in and sat on the couch. The guys beamed when they saw Miranda with me. I caught eyes with Harry. He winked at me and smiled. I smiled back getting a little caught up but quicly glanced down at Miranda. I was a little surprised to see she was locking eyes with Liam. She was beaming in fact. I looked up at Liam who had the same expression on his face. Well isn’t that cute. I thought to myself smiling at their cuteness. The guys quicly shuffled out of the recording booth to greet us.

“So this is Miranda.” I said smiling. I pointed in order “ This is Niall, zayn, Louis, Harry, and Liam.”

They all took turns shaking her hand. Liam kind of lingered on his and got nudged in the ribs by harry forcing him to let go.

“So now that you guys have met I guess ill continue showing Mir arou-“

I was cut of by Liam. “ I would be happy to show her around.” I raised my eyebrow at him and said “ yeah its cool with me if its cool by you.” I looked at Miranda.

She agreed a little too quickly. “ Yes! I mean yeah that would be great.” They both excited quickly causing us to laugh.

“ looks like someone has taken a special interest in your friend there em.” Niall said laughing tossing himself on the couch. 

“Yeah I guess so.” I said shaking my head. I looked over at Harry who was staring at me.

“ Hey lou,” He said not breaking eye contact “ Why don’t you go show Niall and Zayn that song you showed me earlier. I think they would really like it.”

“ sure thing. Come on boys.” He helped pull them to their feet and winked at me as they left.

I then turned my attention to Harry. He was giving me a very ominous look.

“ You look like you want to eat me.” I said slowly.

A dark smile crossed his face. He began to cross the room slowly.

“Are you uh feeling b- better?” I asked suddenly feeling a little threatened.

When he reached me he took my waist in his hands. He backed us up so I was pinned against the wall. He put his arm above my head and hooked his finger through my belt loop. I was trapped and just where he wanted me. I gulped as I stared up into his eyes trying to look innocent. He titled his head and said “ I do not appreciate being teased love.” He kept his tone even.

“Well, I was just trying to get you back for-“

He put his finger to my mouth. “I don’t want to hear excuses.” His eyes never left mine. He was trying to torcher me. He slowly brought his mouth to my neck kissing it lightly. He slowly placed kisses up and down my neck and across my jaw line. I moved to catch his lips but he stopped me. He shook his head refusing to let our lips meet. He continued to nibble at my ear. Is he trying to kill me I thought Leaning into his kisses. I closed my eyes. I was enjoying myself way too much. If we didn’t stop now I’m not sure either of us could stop later.  Harry suddenly pulled away and jumped over the top of the couch. He flipped the TV on. I stood there still unable to move. Liam and Miranda entered. They were both laughing and couldn’t keep their eyes off each other. Miranda looked over at me noticing how awkward I looked shoved up against the wall.

“Watcha doin Em?” She asked slowly looking at me like I was crazy.

I gulped trying to regain control over myself. Instead of what I wanted to say I ended up squeaking “nothing.” I coughed “nothing.” I repeated crossing the room. I threw harry a look as I passed. He chuckled to himself.  You’re going to pay later. I thought to myself.  I smiled at Miranda “how was your tour?”

She blushed “it was great.” She said smiling. We would definitely be having a talk later.

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