Chapter 30

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My Nuckles were hurting from gripping the steering wheel so hard. I let out puffs of irritated breath as I remembered Harry and I's fight. Of course he chooses now to show up out of the blue when Im going out. Im not even going out by choice im being forced to go out! My phone started buzzing in the seat next to me ripping me from my thoughts. I glanced over to check the caller ID. It was Miranda again. I sighed and pulled over to anwser her.

"Yes?" I said not meaning to sound so irritated.

"Are you almost here?" She yelled into the phone.

"I already told you I was on my way." I said flatly.

"What was the hold up?" She yelled again. The music was pumping in the background. I cringed thinking about the head ache i'd probably have tomorrow.

"Harry showed up at my house." I said quietly staring out my window.

I heard Miranda gasp. " Harry showed up at Emily's house!" Miranda called to Liam. " What happened?" She asked intensly. I rolled my eyes "Well talk when I get there okay?" I sighed.

"Will do! I need full details!" She yelled.

" ill be there soon. order me something, im in desperate need." I said before throwing my phone down.

I Sat in the silence only hearing the sound of cars whipping past me. I sighed settling further into my seat, I didn't want to go just yet. I didnt want to deal with having to relive our fight, or having gross guys hit on me all night. Memories of me telling Harry I will not love him came floating back to me. My stomach dropped remembering the look on his face. It was a total lie. I was still whole heartedly in love with him, but he couldnt know that.

You will not be one of those girls I told myself repeatedly. You will not run back to him after he hurt you. I looked up at myself in the mirror. My face mirrored my thoughts. Confusion, sadness, anger, hopefullness, I was an open book. I ran my fingers through my hair looking away. I sat back up and pulled away heading in the direction of the club. You can do this I told myself.

I searched the street for the big neon sign the club had. When I finally spotted it I pulled up to the curb and put the car in park. The man at the door gave me a confused look and walked over to me. He tapped on my window impatinelty. I sighed and rolled my window down.

" You cant park here." He said firmly.

I just blinked at him " You have valet dont you?" I asked slowly.

"For VIP people only, and i dont think you are a VIP." He said looking at my car.

I smiled sweetly at him hiding how irritated I was. "Sir." I started, batting my eyelashes at him " Im here to meet Liam Payne who I believe is inside. I'm a little late, so If you could be a doll and park this for me it'd be much appreciated."

Realization crossed the mans face. He quickly whispered something into the microphone connected to his shirt. Within the minute uniformed men were running outside of the doors over to my car. The doorman opened my door and extended his hand to me. I smiled coldly excepting his help. I adjusted my dress before walking to the door.

"You can go right in." He said overly nice. I gave him one last smile and walked in.

The music rocked the floor beneath me as I walked in. I walked slowly trying to prevent myself from falling over. The club was dark and I could barely see a thing. I survied the room trying to find my friends. The dance floor was packed with sweaty bodys grinding up agaisnt each other. That looks like fun I thought sarcastically. Id never been much of a fan of grinding. I looked over at the bar where I spotted a poor girl being hit on by a sleazy guy. I rolled my eyes this place was nothing special, but whatever.

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