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Isabel's pov

  Skylar and I had all our classes together first we had science we took a seat at the back of the class on the right side because sky would constantly be picked on Katherine the evil witch bitch. Sky is a shy smart and amazing pretty girl she's my best friend we're practically sisters we've known each other since the womb, Anyways Skylar can be evil but she doesn't show it's part of a looooooooooong story, 

 Anyways Katherine never really liked her she was always jealous and selfish of Skylar but that doesn't mean she should take it out on her I mean what an evil slut. "ISABEL what's number 7?!" "Oh, my bad it's 73" our teacher wasn't the nicest teacher she was so rude at times.

 Skylar's pov

   It was weird that Isabel wasn't paying attention to the lesson nor the teacher she usually is the first to answer or yell it out it's unlike her but maybe she was thinking about something important " Isabel are you okay?" 

"Umm yeah, I'm fine just got caught up with stuff yk" 

"oh ok just checking" the day ran smoothly until it was lunchtime and it was all normal until I saw our popular guy in our school Owen. He was the fuck boy/bad boy in school and every girl loved him Isabel did too I mean don't get me wrong he's hot but not for me or so I thought. He would do the typical bad boy stuff it was a real surprise because he hasn't been a fboy for a while now or not that I know of,

       Anyways at lunch, Isabel and I were eating normally where we would always sit at until Katherine came and sat in front of us, She started saying so many mean things and insulting me about my family and about me tears were forming my eyes she slapped me and the tears came running down until Isabel stood up for me, 

she would sometimes even fight Katherine but she never stops Isabel told her some mean things and told her to leave but she just laughed and punched me on the face and left running. Isabel was going to go after her until I stopped her and told her it was okay she looked at me with a sad face and comfort me all I turn my head a bit and saw Owen laughing looking at me, Then I saw Katherine kiss Owen and left together holding hands.

    Is this good? Yes no idk if you guys have any suggestions of what the other chapter could have please let me know and if you wanna change some things please feel free to do so alright byeeee :)

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