Authors note

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          Btw before you start reading this is my pet fish he's a betta fish he's name is blue moon 👆🏻and I love him he's sooo adorable and I want a bigger home for him and I'm saving up money for him to also buy him shells and all that stuff sooo yeah continue

         Alright guys soooo Ik it's been a very long time and there was a cliff hanger and I just wanted to say that a lot has happened through out these days,months and somethings has changed and some things haven't.

     Also the reason why I didn't update saying that I was quite busy and shit was because I changed phones and I forgot my password from here and I was sooooo sad but I barely got in yesterday and I felt a relief and pressure off my shoulders cuz believe it or not I was quite stressing out about this...

    But am alright now I'm trying real hard to get my shit together and trust me it's hard but I'm doing progress also I am gonna keep writing this book and this time I will keep y'all updated and yk making sure I don't do what I did I'm gonna make another story soon very very very soon

   I really hope you all are liking this story and Ik I've had mistakes here and there I'm trying to fix that as well but anyways hope you all are having and amazing incredible day today remember you all are beautiful or handsome and you all deserve to be happy and smile you guys deserve the world

   Nothing can stop you from being you only yourself anyways that's enough about me continue with the story :) it's good to be back

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