Good things gone

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Here you go, ladies and gentleman, enjoy this chapter have fun reading it :)

"Merry Christmas missed me?"

Skylar's pov

I couldn't believe it, I couldn't talk nor move, Isabel grabbed his hand and interwind her hand with his  "Merry Christmas guys, oh and if you both don't mind I invited Eric and Anthony, by the way, where's Lizzie" Eric and Anthony came in

"Hey Merry Christmas guys as you all know this is my boyfriend Anthony, Anthony this is Isabel and HOLY SHI-" before he continued Lizzie came downstairs "Presents!!!!!!" she looked so happy and excited, Isabel smiled "Hey my beautiful baby"

my heart sank so far down it felt like an anchor at the very bottom of the ocean... he smiled at us and waved "I see you two are keeping each other cozy while I've been gone"

"Hello brother..." he looked at Ethan with an evil smirk, he's dressed differently he's wearing a suit, everything about him is different, "Did you both become deaf?" he laughed

Isabel let Evan's hand go and carried Lizzie "Lizzie daddy's home and for good this time" Lizzie looked at Evan and smiled "Hi daddy" Evan smiled "Hey princess"

a tear slowly slid down my cheek I wiped it away quickly Ethan stood up "Its been a while Brother" Evan looked back at Ethan and walked in front of him "Glad my slut of an ex-back stabbing girlfriend kept you satisfied while I was dead"

his words shocked and hurt me, Eric and Anthony quietly walked to the other sofa across from us and sat down "Watch your mouth brother she's better than that and you know it"

he laughed so much he wheezed "I didn't realize this bitch made you a softy brother" Ethan looked mad but before Ethan could've said anything,

Evan turned around and whispered something into Isabel's ear, he stepped back and made sure that I saw him kiss Isabel and then kiss Lizzie's forehead "Have fun my beautiful girls" they smiled and they left

I got up and walked straight to him, right when he turned around I slapped him as hard as I could've "Ow" he laughed "Better get your bitch brother she slipped out of her leash" Ethan was going after him until I stopped him

"What happened to you? What happened to the old Evan.... the love of my life?" he bent a little and was inches apart from my face and he had to a blank expression "Good things gone, and clearly I'm not the love of you're life your owner is and one more thing I was the first to make you feel alive always remember that babe"

he winked at me and got back to his normal height "How fucken rude of me what's up Eric" he smiled and walked towards them

Evan's pov

"Hey, Evan so what's the story? how did you not die? how did you get out of the coma? how are you here?" I shook my head "You're asking the wrong questions, Eric c'mon you can do better than that I know something in that weird gooshy mind of yours there's one really big question that's burning inside of you and im allowing you to ask it better yet I want you to ask me, so go ahead ask me"

he nodded "Lizzie..." I smiled and stepped back to the front of the living room so that everyone could have a clear view of me "What about Lizzie?" Skylar asked I stayed quiet but kept smiling "Lizzie isn't really your daughter is she?"

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