Katherine that sneaky bitch

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Skylars POV  

Isabel carried me to her car and I can't stop crying... she put me down and opened the car door I got in and waited she walked to the driver's seat she got in and put her seatbelt so did I...

She turned on the car and I put the radio on, the first song to pop up was "Almost is never enough" by Ariana grande I let it play... "Sky don't worry ok he's gonna be fine I know it and I need to tell you something that Eric told me this morning after he left for his date or some shit like that"

I looked up at her "wh...what is it?" She looked at me and then back at the road "Eric said that when Ethan and Evan killed Katherine and put her in the basement"

My eyes widened, I looked at her in shock but she wasn't finished "He saw Ethan leave for a bit and then saw Evan come to you with a knife in his hands, Eric was gonna go after him but it was too late he stabbed himself"

 "he stood there in shock but he ran upstairs to Ethan's room and told us but then he got out through the window and that's when we heard you screaming"

Before I can say anything we arrived at the hospital I took a long deep breath and got out of the car Isabel came over to me and I put my arm around her shoulder,  she put her arm around my waist so I can gain balance

We walked in and she said "We're here to see Evan Landon"

 "Room 224 second floor" 

"thanks" we went to the elevator, we got out, we went left and straight down the hall, we saw Ethan outside walking back and forth grabbing his hair in frustration

"Can I see him?" Was the first thing that came out of my mouth "uh yeah go ahead" I went inside alone and my heart fell I saw him he was a bit bruised and breathing hard so I went next to him "Hey babe I hope you can hear me I'm awake now it's your turn to wake up"

He mumbled "Katherine that sneaky bitch" I sighed and grabbed his hand he grabbed my hand pretty tight I kissed his forehead 

"Remember when you came inside the hospital for me and gave me a rose? Yeah well, this feels like Deja vu except reverse I love you Evan Landon please wake up and come home."

Evans POV 

"Katherine?! What are you doing here?" She didn't say anything but laughed and I heard Skylar's voice again I tried following her voice but somehow Katherine wouldn't let me 

"I know what your thinking and no I'm not the one keeping you here" I looked at her confused "how did you-" 

"that's not important right now Evan what's important is your sister"

  "Hello, brother" I looked behind me to find my sister standing there emotional I can tell she's been crying and hurting herself,  she's trying I act tuff but failing terribly "Well aren't you going to say hello back?"

     "You betrayed me and told me you were done with father!! Why would you keep fucking him if he hurt our family especially Ethan and I" She just laughed but tears falling from her pink rosy cheeks  "He was helping me, he told me you and Ethan would turn against me!!! And you did YOU BOTH DID" 


   "Ouch that was harsh" I turned around to see Katherine "Oh kitty cat I've been wondering when Skylar owned up to her potential so that she can torture you" I laughed she looked at me with wide eyes, she walked up to me and put both of her hands on my chest, she looked up at me 

   "I really do love you my love" I smirked I grabbed her neck and I slowly started squeezing and each time I squeeze a bit harder she moved her hand up to my face, but then behind my neck and pushed me towards her and kissed me  I allowed it while my other hand caught her trying to take out her knife

  I pulled away and grabbed her hand which pulled out the knife from her back pocket and stabbed her she gasped, she looked at my sister and somehow they were linked, I don't know how this is possible but they both went down "Hoes"

   I heard Skylar once again "Evan please wake up I need you to wake up now it's been a week already you need to open those beautiful eyes, with your pink lips curve into a smile, your face lighting up the whole world my world to be exact just please wake up I need you and I love you..."

  "I wish words can express the feelings I have for you but instead I will show you" and she kissed me I followed her voice and I finally woke up...


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