Dark side

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Skylars POV

....My parents....

"Hey sky," Isabella said while hugging Derek I froze my mouth felt dry, I felt like I was gonna kill them just run up to them and stab them but I couldn't "What are you two doing here?" they both looked at him

"So you must be the guy my daughter is dating" he put his hand out towards Evan so they can shake hands "IM NOT YOUR DAUGHTER!" I said while Evan grabbed his hand and squeezed it

Derek's face was as if Evan was breaking every bone in his hand he pulled away quickly "What are you two doing here?" I said they stepped inside with smiles on their faces "We want you sky" wtffff "NEVER YOU WILL NEVER LAY ANOTHER FINGER ON ME" Evan stood in front of me

"She's not going anywhere with you," Evan said and he pulled out his gun and shot Derek on his leg 💥 he groans in pain falling on the floor almost screaming, Evan then pointed the gun at

Isabella "I'm sorry just please don't shoot me please!" I giggled as I was walking towards her until Evans arm stopped me I touched his arm and nodded at him he made a face of are-you-sure "Evan I'll be fine"

He moved his arm and shot Derek again but on the other leg Isabella and I jumped a little "Just in case" he winked at me I smiled and went straight to her face "Don't tell me you're scared now Mommy... this is only the beginning"

"NOW SIT YOUR DIRTY ASS DOWN AND BE A GOOD GIRL TAKE OUT THE BULLETS FROM YOUR DISGUSTING PERVERTED ASSHOLES LEGS" I screamed at her and she seemed frightened I laughed she did as she was told

She started crying "Why are you like this Skylar? You were never like this" I looked at her burning through her skull "I was always like this bitc-...." I felt a sharp pain on my thigh I took a good grip on my bat and swung it at her head but I missed

She then grabbed it and then shot Evan on his two thighs as well, he held in his scream by biting his bottom lip which was bleeding she got up and hit us both with the bat...
"Maybe your not so strong you little hoe"

Isabel's POV

"Hey I wanna go back to sky I need to see her" Ethan looked at me with a serious face "babe I lied about the dream it was real...when you knocked out I woke up and found them inside almost dragging you out"


"Trust me I'll explain everything in the car we'll go to them get your stuff and hurry cuz we don't have a lot of time "I'm already ready let's go!!"

Joshua's POV

     Ryan and I saw Skylar and Evan on the floor, our parents started to pick them up and took them to the basement, we were hiding so they couldn't see us, they put a rag in their mouth and tied them to a chair with their hands behind their back and their legs tied too

      We carefully and quietly went upstairs and called Isabel "Isabel our parents is here and they have Evan and Skylar please hurry!!!" I whispered/shouted, "Joshua where are you guys right now?"

"We're upstairs"

"okay stay there we're almost there"

"okay bye"

Ethan's POV

"Fuck I hope they're alright I can't help it but kill them if they touch my brother" I looked at Isabel and she looked very worried cracking her fingers "so what happened when I blacked out?" I looked back at the road and out of the corner of my eye I see her staring at me with a sad expression

"I had a bad dream about you leaving me and it was so dark until I heard screaming I woke up and I was worried because you weren't in bed so I sat up

I saw you on the floor I got up as fast as I could I tried waking you up but you were knocked the fuck out" I chuckled and she scoffed, I shut up real quick "I heard Derek say you have two options either give me Isabel or tell me where Skylar is"

I paused "I told them she was with her aunt Diana he believed me but I guess they're smarter then I thought" she looked at me with fear "Are we almost there?" I took a quick glance at her "We need 6 more miles''

Skylars POV

   I woke up to a sharp pain on my right cheek "wake up bitch" Isabella said "so what now huh what are you gonna do to me" I said and turn to my right to see Evan on the chair bleeding out unconscious

      "Don't worry your boyfriend is gonna be fine he just needs a little nap" the thing these two idiots don't know is that I have small hands so I can easily slip my hands out of the rope retarded ass people

      "I'm perfectly fine," Evan stood up and shot Derek first because he had an extra gun, while Isabella ran towards him

     I slipped out of the rope and ran towards her I pushed her down and she broke her elbow we got both of them and now we can torture them

    "Welcome to my Dark side it's gonna be a long night" I smirked and looked at Evan who looked pale I was walking towards him until we heard

     The door-busting in Evan pointed the gun at the door to reveal Ethan and Isabel "No time to waste Ethan take Evan to the hospital he's been shot two times Isabel you stay we're gonna have fun with these two"

      Ethan quickly grabbed Evan and took him meanwhile Isabel and I stayed behind...

   Guyysyssss hey:) anyways hope you all loved this and continue:)

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