I'm sorry

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Skylars POV

"Oh my god!!!! What the fuck did I just do"  I looked at my hands, they were all bloody I dropped the knife and I looked at Evan tears were coming out of my eyes

"Skylar" I heard everyone say at the same time but then something came rushing in I felt happy and joy I shouldn't be feeling this "I'm sorry" and with that, I blacked out

Evans POV 

  I brought the old Skylar back, she's crazy but that's what I love I was lost In my thoughts until I saw Skylar faint and fall I ran towards her

She was still breathing I told Ethan and Eric to stay and clean up the mess they obeyed I picked Skylar up and started walking upstairs Isabel followed I put her on the couch

"Isabel go get some water"  


"Hey, princess wake up stop playin and wake up" Isabel came back with the water and I gave her water

I put the glass of water on the table, she wouldn't wake up Isabel started crying and it didn't make me feel better a tear came down my cheek

4 hours later     

She hasn't woken up and it's dark now but she's still breathing... I stayed with her and I felt tired, my eyes were closing on me and that's when I fell asleep

My fault that this is short I will try to make more a bit longer but until then continue and cliff hanger 😂 oh and I almost forgot I'm making a new book soon!!!

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