Merry Christmas, missed me?

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*4 years later Christmas eve*

Skylar's pov

I hear baby feet running towards the living room...

I hear baby feet running towards the living room

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*That was a Lil tease ^*

I looked up at him and kissed him we didn't stop until...

We heard a knock on the door "Hey Ethan I've been thinking and Eric helped me think about everything and ill be mature  enough to apologize and I wanted to know if you wanted to work things out between us can you please open the door"

I looked at him with a panic look he put his index finger against his lips I stayed quiet and he got up with some shorts he unlocked the door and I hid under the covers "hey..."

Isabel's POV

Eric actually showed me some  messages about Skylar being all lovey-dovey about some guy that she's really close too but she never mention a guy to me not even one text saying hi I was lost in my thoughts when I heard the door unlock and he barely opened the door just a little peak where I could only see his face "hey"

I looked at him and smiled "can I come in I actually wanted to talk with you about my stupid thought about you and sky being together" a small smile appeared on his face "uh actually im changing but ill meet you downstairs" I didn't really think much of it although I knew that she was in there with him

"Yeah sure ill wait in the living room" I walked downstairs and put a movie on I knew they were together I just wanted them to confirm it, Eric told me that Skylar sent him a text saying she was sleeping over this "guys" house but im gonna act clueless

Skylar's POV

he closed the door "baby we have to tell her" I told him he walked towards me and sat down on the bed "I know my love" I crawled towards him and kissed him passionately "Babe can you please give me your hoodie and pass me my panties

(deadass hate that word)

he smiled at me "Of course princess" he got up and gave me his hoodie and my panties I went to the edge of the bed and put them on he got dressed and picked me up bridal style I pull out my arm so that I could open the door he walked out with me in his arms and walked downstairs

Isabel saw us and had a confused worried face "Oh my god Skylar what happened" as he put me down on the sofa I said with a discomfort face "Isabel we need to talk" Ethan sat in between us "Okay but before we do I just wanted to say im so sorry for thinking that you and Ethan were together as a couple I was overreacting"

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