"I love this... I love you"

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Play this song ☝🏻 while reading:) :(
Oh this is them on her lock screen

Evans POV

I heard her voice it was close I started walking, I stopped and I saw my dad holding her in his arms, her arms around his neck,

he looked at me and smiled he then looked back at her and kissed her and she kissed him back my heart broke into little pieces 

Then I heard Skylar's voice "Hey babe wake up please don't die on me please wake up I need you I can't live without you please wake up!!" I woke up all sweaty on the floor next to Skylar she looks half dead so I did something I hope I don't regret later...

Skylars POV 

I woke up and I started breathing hard I looked around to see what happened, I looked to my right and I saw Evan on the floor 

he looks half dead I started to panic and I started to scream "Hey babe wake up please don't die on me please wake up I need you I can't live without you please wake up!!"

But he never woke up until Ethan and Isabel came in the living room they looked shocked Ethan got Evan and took him to the hospital I tried to go but Isabel wouldn't let me she hugged me and I started crying because Evan is half-dead!!!!

"Hey, sky everything is gonna be alright okay? He's going to be fine and you are too but you need to stay home for at least three days you hit your head on the table hard but here I got you some pills"

"Th...tha....thank you Isabel thank you so much for everything" she just frowned and hugged me tight I hugged her back

Ethan's POV 

     I can't fucking believe that Evan stabbed himself...  his been mumbling for a while now,  we got to the hospital and I took him to the emergency room I wasn't wasting time, I saw a doctor

I grabbed him and dragged him to a room "Fix him NOW!" He looked startled and jumped a bit he then called in some nurses and they started to put needles in him to check his vitals, he lost a lot of blood but I don't know why

"Sir I'm gonna need you to step outside please" 

"NO IM STAYING HERE UNTIL I KNOW HIS SAFE" he just stared at me and nodded he went back and I was worried I couldn't stop thinking how he could just die, he's my twin brother he CANNOT AND WILL NOT LEAVE

Evans POV 

   I held her in my arms and tears started coming down my face and fell on hers I saw the knife she used on Katherine I grabbed it and pointed it on Skylars chest each time I put pressure on the knife it was harder to breathe

I kept hesitating and I stopped I looked at what I was doing and I cried harder then ever but then something moved my hand and pushed it all in I looked who it was and I saw...

Skylars POV 

      I told Isabel to get me my phone and she did I turn it on and I saw my lock screen, I saw Evan and I,  we were in my house taking weird, funny, random pictures and I remember saying "I love this, I love you" He looked at me and smiled he leaned in and kissed me he was so gentle and yet with so much passion, of course, I kissed back

I pulled away and I looked at him we were both looking at each other's features and loving them every second "I love you too Skylar"

I smiled and I hugged him tight he hugged back and he whispered "I love you, I rather use my last breath to tell you how much you mean to me"

"I wish words can express the way I feel about you but I can only show you" he pulled away and kissed me again but this kiss was longer and I loved every second of it he then started to tell me more sweet things 

he showed me this beautiful picture and told me we were gonna get married and we could go on so many adventures together

He looked so happy and concentrated on what he was saying and he said it with so much meaning and love I kept falling deeper and deeper for him and it was hard not to it was impossible he grabbed my face and smiled I was about to kiss him when...

    "SKY" I snapped out of my memory and I noticed I started to breathe hard and crying even more then I was before

 I felt like someone was choking me while stabbing me "I ....i...I...i can't Isabel I need him without him I can't live" I started to choke up, I was stuttering and shaking a lot she hugged me "I'll take you to him will that make you feel a little better?" I looked at her and nodded 

Who was Evan talking about and who did he see?! And poor Skylar 💔

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