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Owens pov

I never thought I would fucken fall in love with someone who is struggling to find out her true self, It has been really hard on her I feel bad for her, I want to be there for her when she needs me, I want to help her out, I want the best for her even though nobody was there for me or loved me actually nobody even tried to pretend to love me

 I'm trying my best to be a good boyfriend for her or at least I think I am, I decided to take her out to the mall and try to distract her for a bit before she tries to harm herself or anything that will make her hurt herself physically... 

We went into my car and drove off, I parked and we got out of the car she wanted me to hold her hand so I did, we walked in, I looked at her and I saw her smiling which made me smile because damn her smile makes me want to be good for her

  we went inside and she went into a girl store that I didn't want to go in so I waited outside but then there was this girl who came up to me and hugged me I pushed her off and told her that I had a girlfriend but I guess she didn't care because she kept trying

 I saw Sky grab her hair and with all her strength pulled her to the ground I was surprised and kind of impressed because how can a short girl pull down a 5'6 girl

 she started punching the shit out of her and cussing her out, to be honest, I thought it'll help her from the stress that she had gained up until Isabel and some guy walked in, Isabel screamed at Sky but then Sky pretty much said fuck off but Isabel didn't care so they started arguing until Sky was close to hitting her, I told her to come to me and we'll leave so she did 

Skylar's pov

I started to wake up I was gonna go to the bathroom until I felt an arm around my waist pushing me towards Someone I absolutely love with all my heart. " Owen"  


" I need to go to the bathroom" 

"whyyy" he pouted and I giggled "because I need to go please babe"

 "ugh alright go but be quick" 

"ok thank you, babe" I got off the bed and walked to the bathroom, I did my stuff and went back to bed "Hey babe can I ask you something?"

 "Uh sure what's up"

 " was yesterday real or fake?"

 " if you mean you fighting a girl and then fighting with Isabel then yes it's real" oh my god I thought it was a dream or something ugh I screwed up I need to tell Isabel I'm sorry "hey babe you alright?"

 "Umm yeah I just need to call Isabel and tell her I'm so sorry" 

" alright I'm gonna go take a shower" 

" ok have fun" I laughed and he gave me a peck on the lips before he left he smiled and left I got my phone and I saw 200 missed calls and 276 messages from Eric and Isabel I immediately called them both by FaceTime it started ringing and Eric answered, "hey sky how are you feeling?"

 "Hey Eric look I'm terribly sorry for yesterday that was so unlike me I was just so hurt and I needed to take my anger out before I killed myself well I felt like it" Eric was about to say something until Isabel answered and she looked so broken, hurt and pale "hey Isabel look I'm soooo sorry I know that sorry can't fix anything but please give me a chance to prove to you that I'm still me I promise I'll make it worth it but I'm really sorry I didn't mean anything that I said I was just so hurt by everything and everyone and I got my anger out on a hoe who deserve it but just please give me another chance"

 I started crying and begging her but she didn't respond until " I...i...I..it's ok...okay I..I'm so..sorry too" I couldn't help it invite both of them over I just wanted and needed my best friends they both agreed and I waited until they arrived I told Owen about them and he was okay with it, He was so supportive and loving I heard a knock on the door and I rushed downstairs I took a deep breath and opened the door to see my two best friends standing in front of me I invited them both and closed the door,

I hugged them so tight and I started crying "I'm so sorry and what I said/did might be unforgivable but I didn't mean a thing I swear just please give me today and I hope we can be like normal days" I let them go they both looked at each other and smiled then looked back at me and they both said "We forgive you sky but you only have today" 

they laughed and hugged me I smiled and started deciding all our favorite places to go for fun "1.place will be the beach I got a bikini for the both of us and Eric I think Owen has something for you to wear" I smiled and they looked excited Owen came down and I explain everything "babe I just took a shower what the fuck" 

 "Owen c'mon be fun you can take another shower when we come back if you want I'll join you" he instantly smiled and left running upstairs looking for something for Eric

He came back down and gave Eric a pair of long shorts he went to go change and so did Owen different rooms of course, While I told Isabel to follow me we went to me and Owens room and I looked at two perfect bikinis while we were changing (btw Isabel was in the bathroom) I started apologizing again but all she said was 

"Sky it's okay I promise and I know I wasn't a good friend but I wanted to believe that you were finally okay and you moved on but it was also hard on me because I hated seeing you cry at night when we would have sleepovers and I'm sorry" 

we were finally finished and I hugged her "I love you Isabel" she smiled " I love you too bup" we giggled and went downstairs the guys were already ready so we went down and went to the car Owen was driving so I was in the passenger seat and Isabel, Eric were in the back we got to the beach to find our moms...

It's my bad I haven't posted in a while but School and shit so i made this very long and hmm I wonder what Skylar and Isabel saw their moms do🤔 at the beach 🏖 well I'll let you continue for then next chapter 😂  peace ✌🏻

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