Naughty girl

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Skylar's pov

Evan is here he's alive he's finally here next to me he looked at my eyes and then down to my lips...

We looked at each other intensely, I started to admire every feature he has which drives me craz-...  "Alright enough talking" he smiled at me but in less than a second his lips were on mine

he kissed down to my neck & found my sweet spot and I moaned "This is wrongfully right" he stopped smirked and pushed me down onto the bed, I was wearing short shorts which was easy to take off, he smiled

"Fuck I've missed your body" he took off my shorts and ripped my white sleeping shirt, he threw it across the room, I pushed him off of me and got on top of him "That's all you got sweetheart?" I don't know how but I ripped his shirt off and threw on a lamp

I kissed him hard but passionate, I haven't felt like this in a long time "Fuck I missed you, babe," he smiled and kissed me again but this time he bit my lip and I smiled

"So you bite now?" he chuckled & let my lip go, I kissed slowly down to his jaw and neck, I continued to slowly go down on him until I finally got to his jeans, I quickly took off his belt and threw it, me being impatient at this moment I hurried and took off his jeans along with his boxers,

his member hit his stomach, I totally forgot how big he was, I grabbed his member and I licked the tip while I stroked his member he grunted and I smiled, I begin to suck on his member "fuckkkkk" I took him all in my mouth, I started to gag "You naughty girl"

He stopped me and motioned me to lay down next to him, he then got on top of me "I'll be nice and ask you, are you ready?" I nodded

"Wait before anything can we hold hands like the first time?" He smiled and intertwined his hands with mine, he slipped the tip in and I winced but that was just an invitation for him to slam into me he was not gentle whatsoever but I love it,

he kept slamming into me with heavy thrusts, the headboard kept hitting the wall, our skin clapping, our moans filling the room, my forehead began to form sweat, "fuck fuck fuck Evaaaaaan" he smirked "louder" I looked at him and nodded no

He let go of my hands, pulled out and flipped me over without warning or hesitation he slammed into me once again and I practically screamed his name,

the whole neighborhood could probably hear us he kept going harder and deeper which made waves and waves of organisms overwhelm me "Evan, I'm gonna cum" and a squeal came out my mouth "Hold it"

so I held it in, he grabbed my hips while I grabbed the sheets as if my life depended on it and bit down on a pillow, The pleasure was getting too intense that my stomach was burning and had the feeling as if it was in knots  "c...can I c...cum pl...ease"

he slapped my ass hard which would leave his handprint, his thrusts begin to get sloppy so he turned me around and put both of my legs on his shoulders,

"Don't faint" without hesitation I cummed and held on the sheets as much as I could've if I thought he was a monster with me the whole time I was with him,

I was very wrong and since he wasn't too pleased with me cumming he started to go even faster and deeper if that was possible, I can tell he was getting tired, there was so much pleasure overwhelming me I couldn't speak

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