Stand by me

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    Hey guys play this song 👆when I tell you too it's been a while but ummmm here you go like I always say I don't have an excuse so just enjoy and this is not for little kids btw I made this one very long I hope you all like it also on the next one will have Evans POV so get ready for that

Skylar's pov

I started drinking until I felt my whole body numb, I started dancing to the rhythm of the music, soon started to grind onto this one guy who has been drooling over me all night and I knew he wanted me so I teased him

"HEY LETS GET OUT OF HERE" I winked at him he had the biggest smile and nodded, I grabbed his hand and dragged him outside "So where are you taking me, babe?" I cringed to the word babe but I shrugged it off "I'm taking you to my house silly" I giggled

"You have the most cutest giggle in the whole world" I pretended to blush, I pulled my phone out and called a Uber I gave the information and hanged up, "Uber said he'll be here in 20 minutes in the meantime we should get each other warmed up"

I pushed him against the wall and started to kiss his cheek down to his neck he then moaned and honestly it disgusted me but I needed a distraction his hands all over my body touching me as if I was a toy that a little kid never had but finally got

It was starting to get really heated we stopped when we heard a honk from the car behind us "aww no fun we have to go" ☹️ he frowned "Don't worry honey the fun is just beginning"

*Skip the car ride*

"Shhhhh we have to be quiet before we wake up the party police" I giggled we kept stumbling all over the house mostly when we were going upstairs, everything seemed fine until all the lights turned on aaaaaand were caught...

Isabel's pov

Ethan and I were sleeping until I heard the front door being slammed I jolted up and got out of bed to see what all the noise was about until I see this guy with sky about to walk in her room

"Skylar what the actual fuck?! Who is this?" She turned around and said "Well this is my third attempt of a distraction that clearly failed" I shook my head

"Ethan she's drunk once again come and help me kick this random dude out the house" he came "Alarm system" I looked at him "it's like your reading my mind" we smiled at each other

"Ummm ok so can we go and fuck please?" Sky looked at us with an annoyed look "Absolutely, not your drunk Skylar your gonna regret it in the morning" Ethan grabbed the obviously drunk horny guy by the back of his neck and pushed him to the door

"UGHH ISABEL IT'S NOT LIKE THIS IS YOUR HOUSE" she started to get upset "Don't yell at me and your right it's not but it's not yours neither" Ethan came back "Your both right it's mine" Skylar looked at him and then to the ground

"I'm sorry but Ethan can you please control and tell miss little perfect to let me breathe, I just wanna have fun and a distraction" she walked towards him  "Skylar you need to be real with yourself"

Skylar's pov

"What do you mean? Be real with my self" I stopped and slowly walked backward until I hit a small cabinet "Look I understand that you don't want to think about Evan it's been 6 months and he's still in a coma and trust me it hurts but maybe he won't wake up"

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