Don't ever do that to me again

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Put this song when I tell you too ☝🏻💙
Oh and if you read fast then you can just replay it :)

Ethan's POV  

I stayed inside for a while but seeing Evan like this was hard so I stepped out, I started walking back and forward fast, I started to think about all the things that can happen to him and I started to get frustrated so grab my hair in frustration

      I saw Isabel and Skylar "Can I see him?" I pointed towards the door "uh yea sure" she went inside, "hey" Isabel kissed me real quick "Skylar,  she's in a lot of pain I can't imagine how your feeling" she looked so guilty so I hugged her and she hugged back

"I'm going through hell but I know he'll be fine" she hugged me tight

Isabel's POV

After a while Skylar came out with bloodshot eyes her face looked swollen and her lips were cracked she looked down "I want to go home to get clean so I can come back, I can rest here" her voice cracked I looked at Ethan "Take her I'll be here"

I nodded and we walked away she was limping but she didn't want me to hold her, we got into the car the whole ride was silent "We're here" I got out and so did she we got in and she went straight upstairs without saying anything...

1 week later (Now play the song)

Skylars POV 

I felt better, I couldn't sleep well I talked to Evan every day but there was one day where we almost lost him, the doctors came rushing in and helped bring him back... I couldn't even stand or speak I've been mute to everyone except Evan

"Evan please wake up I need you to wake up now it's been a week already, you need to open those beautiful eyes and with your pink lips curve into a smile, your face lighting up the whole world, my world to be exact just please wake up I need you and I love you... I wish words can express the feelings I have for you but instead, I'll show you"

     I kissed him I pulled back and I waited a bit

 minutes later I heard him say "Don't ever do that to me again" I was shocked and froze a bit, I couldn't believe he was awake I saw him turn his head towards me and he weakly smiled at me a warm feeling kicked in

     I hugged him and he grunted I pulled back quickly "I'm sorry" he was about to say something when Ethan and Isabel came in "Welcome back brother" his voice cracked a little

Evans POV 

     I noticed that everyone looked destroyed and desperate their eyes were red their face was swollen their lips were all cracked "What's up" everyone had a weak smile I smiled back "I'm glad you're ok" 

"I appreciate it Isabel" the doctors came in and said I'll be released in half of a week and left

    "I want to talk with Skylar real quick" Ethan and Isabel nodded their head "Oh yea sure" I lift myself up so I can sit up, I looked at Skylar and she was crying "It's alright I'm here don't worry I won't leave you again I promise"

I put my hand on her chin and lifted her head up she looked tired and sad I put my hand on the back of her neck and pulled her in "Skylar I'm fine" she smiled and she kissed me I kissed back, she pulled away "I will always love you no matter what the situation is"

"Through thick and thin" I finished her sentence we both smiled at each other and kissed once more I pulled back and we hugged, I whispered "I love you" Ethan and Isabel were eavesdropping I know cuz the door swung open

 carry on :)

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