I promise

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Isabel's pov

suddenly I felt drenched in water, I shrieked "Oh fuck" I heard a low chuckle "My bad Isabel" I was wiping the water off my face when I felt a rough hand on my leg and another on my face, I looked directly into Ethan's eyes, 

his eyes were luring and so fucken beautiful, he opened my legs so that he can move closer against me "W..w..what are doing?" he smiled and put a finger against his lips 

I swallowed hard and before I knew it his lips were on mine, I froze completely until he moved a piece of hair out of my face and behind my ear, his warm touch made me melt into the kiss,

 his hands exploring my legs and thighs a moan accidentally escaped my mouth "Ugh I'm fifth wheeling" I pulled away to see Eric in the pool floating and whining, I turned to see Evan and Skylar, they were in the pool making out and almost ripping each other's clothes off 

I look back at Ethan "Umm Ethan we're moving too fast we barely met and I don't want you to think I'm a slut or a hoe or that I'm easy because I'm not and if we would become into something more then friends then I think we should take it slow if that's okay with you?" he nodded "No yeah that's fine I get it no trip" he smiled "Guys let's party, drink, and smoke, ooooh we need music"

Skylars pov

"Ooh sounds fun" I squealed, but then Evan and Ethan looked at each other and then they both said at the same time "Here we go" they smirked evilly

 there were chairs outside so we can just chill Evan got the alcohol and some snacks while Ethan got the speakers...he plugged his phone and music started playing 

 Evan had all the drinks ready and started passing them out Ethan sat down and Isabel sat next to him while Eric stayed inside the pool while drinking and I was sitting on Evans lap 

we were all drinking and talking until I wanted to dance "Let's dance babe I'm in the mood" I winked at him and got up, we started dancing to the rhythm of the music when I took a peek at Isabel and Ethan, they started dancing and grinding against each other, I slightly smiled 

 Evan wrapped his arm around my tiny waist and pushed me against him I looked at him and he smirked, he then leaned in and kissed me I kissed back of course and put my arms around his neck he had one hand on my waist and the other on my butt

 I giggled and he smirked we kept kissing which led to a heated make-out session which led us inside the house that led us into his room I totally forgot about Isabel, Ethan, and Eric...

We closed his door and locked it, he pushed me against the wall and kissed me hard, I pushed him and walked towards him, I could see the lust in his eyes I bet he saw the same in mine so I pushed him again but harder so that he'll fall on the bed he smiled and I went on top of him I started to take off his shirt and then pants 

  he did the same to me, we were now fully naked he flipped us over so now he's on top, he started kissing my neck and the rest of my body slowly, he stopped and came back up a kissed me "I promise I got checked, but you for real ready?" I giggled "Yes"

 I smiled and he without hesitation he slid it in, it hurt for a while but then it was enjoyable and I told him to go faster and he did but throughout the whole time we were holding hands,

 he pulled out came so did I, he laid down next to me "I promise I will stay with you Sky, you have my word" he smiled and I kissed him and hugged him until we both fell asleep 

Yooo Ik this is all bad and horrible but I tried my best 😂😕 alright byeeeee :)

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