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Eric's pov

Okay, sooo a lot of shit happened yesterday!!! But I'm still 5th wheeling I need to find a guy for me I'm getting to lonely mostly because my two best friends have boyfriends well Isabel is heading to that direction and they're twins like what the fuck... 

anyways my girl sky and Evan definitely hooked up and Isabel I think they just "cuddled" or they hooked up to? I don't know but I'll definitely ask... meanwhile I have a headache and I drank too much, I woke up on a floaty in the pool outside yay 🙄 I got out and now I'm taking a shower 😋.

Isabel's pov 

I woke up in a bed I was confused until I hear light snoring beside me I looked over my shoulder and I saw Ethan 😨 I looked under the covers and I see that I'm not naked thank god!!! I got scared, I decided to get up and make breakfast but first I need to go to the bathroom

Ethan's POV 

I was in a deep sleep until I woke up and I didn't see Isabel I got curious but then I saw her get out of the bathroom all smiley "You should come back to bed it's cold without you" she smiled a little more "Aww does Ethan miss me already?" She came and laid down next to me and I kissed her 

"It sure seems like it don't it?" she giggled "Well don't miss me too much I'm gonna make breakfast" I lifted my eyebrow "Need help?" she laughed "Whaaaaat you cook too?" I kissed her hand

 "Yeah" she leaned in and kissed me "Okay well let's go" she smiled, we got up but I took a quick shower "You know before I enter the shower would you like to join me?" I smirked seductively

she looked at me like if I was insane "Ethaaaaannn no" I chuckled "It was worth the try" after I finished she then took a shower, I gave her old clothes from my sister who is dead because of Evan and I... we got dressed, went downstairs and began to cook

Skylars pov

I was dreaming about Last night it wasn't the way I pictured it but it was still amazing even tho I got scared cuz umm Evan..lets just say he's big and I'm small, he was gentle and calm it was so romantic the way the light of the moon shined through the window and to us, 

the way he looked was to die for...he's blue grayish eyes shining, his hair was so soft and messy,  his body was like if he was a fucken god with his muscles, his jaw was oh my god he was just incredible...

 I woke up, was gonna get up and shower until I felt his arm around my waist his hand was on my stomach I smiled and turned around he was awake but his eyes were closed he said "Next time I won't be so gentle" 

"Good morning to you too babe" I giggled and kissed him just a peck he smiled and he opened his eyes god their so beautiful "I hear Isabel and Ethan fucking around in the kitchen," 

 "Babe I had a really like really good time, last night it was amazing, I love you" he smirked "Glad you liked it...I hope I didn't hurt you" 

"You didn't why would you think that?" He smirked "Well cuz you were moaning like crazy screaming my name and did I mention that you were squeezing my hand you left a few scratches" he laughed and I blushed 

"I'm sorry didn't mean to" He looked at me ever so lovingly "No need to apologize, princess, I'm fine, glad you had fun"

Evans pov

I was awake for a while now but my eyes wouldn't want to open..I remembered last night with Skylar which was incredible the way her hair was everywhere it was soft and beautiful she looked gorgeous I love her little body and her curves her eyes are a beautiful light blue, her eyelashes were long, her lips were soft and pink, 

her cheeks were a dark shade pink, her moans and screams were soft but loud, she's to perfect and amazing, she's adorable she turned around and we talked a bit until she decided to go take a shower so I followed...

we took a shower together and it was fun I finished first, I got out and change when I was finished she got out and started to look for some clothes to wear from my dead sister "Hey babe can we go to the mall today? So I can get clothes please?"

 "Yeah I'll walk into any store with you this time" she smiled "You better" 

"Beautiful you know you can move in here if you want and you can bring your little brothers" she looked at me in shock, tears started forming her eyes, 

she ran towards me and jumped she hugged me tight and said thank you so many times I lost track I laughed a bit and hugged her back "I love you so fucking much Evan, I feel alive with you" I smiled "I love you too my love" she looked at me and we kissed

Happy late New Year guys

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