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The song was just idk but just  go along with it 

Skylar's pov

"Skylar, you good? you knocked out on us have you turned into a lightweight?" Evan laughed, I looked around me to find everyone sitting down still nothing broken everything in place

 that's when I figured out that the whole time I was daydreamingI saw Isabel kiss Evan and then pulled away to tell him that she loves him I was heated I took a deep inhale and then I exhaled 

"Yea I'm good" Ethan hugged me "Who's next?" I needed some air "Actually guys I'm gonna tap out and go outside" before anyone could say anything I quickly got up and left

Jesus, I need to stop with this whole anger, mixed emotions shit I need to move on and stay with Ethan, I chose him so I have to stay faithful 

even if I already cheated god, I feel so dirty and guilty "Mind if I join you for some air?" I slightly jumped and turned around, I nodded "Sure but we need to talk Evan" 

He walked and stood next to me "Yea, yea I know" I looked at him surprised "You do?" he nodded slowly 

"We can't fuck here, we'll have to go out to a shed or somethin" I growled in frustration and smacked his arm "NO" 

he chuckled, grabbed my arms, and pulled me against him, I stopped struggling "Yea I know that's not what you meant relax listen tho alright?" 

he let me go "Okay" I fixed myself "I saw my sister and she's alive when I went into the coma, it happened so fast for me" 

I looked at him confused "In my coma, it was a few hours, and out here it was years, I went back to when we went to the mall do you remember?"

I nodded "So you remember the girl you pushed down? that was my sister she somehow survived and changed completely"

My mouth felt dry and my heart started to beat fast "I couldn't talk to her but I followed her and I know where she lives, it ain't right"

I tried to touch his shoulder but he took a step back "What felt like a few hours I finally woke up but I didn't see you there I saw Isabel"

My heart sank "I went to my sister we did talk but it didn't last, Isabel didn't tell me at first, but I looked like a fucking dumbass searching for you and my brother, after a while, she filled me in about you 2 porking each other"

tears were forming in my eyes, my bottom lip was shivering "You could say I was a different person when I heard the news she told me she was pregnant with your brother's kid"

I bit my bottom lip so it can calm down but I started crying "She told me to be her baby daddy which I did because we made a deal to coming back and here we are"

I looked at him puzzled still crying "What are you really doing here Evan?" he smirked evilly "I'm going to keep fucking you until he finds out"

he walked closer to me but I stepped back until I hit the wall "I'm here for revenge you selfish whore" he put his hand on my cheek

"You knew I was dying and yet you went to the other brother fucked him and forgot about me thinking you can move on because it was easier to forget than feel ain't it"

I tried to look away from him, I tried to get out of his space but he trapped me and held a tight grip on me "No no no sweetheart this is just the beginning for us" 

he kissed me forcefully, one of his arms sneaked through my waist and quickly pulled me against him, he smacked my ass meanwhile he spread my legs by putting his leg in between 

my thighs and with his other hand he went up, my dress moving my panties aside shoving his fingers inside me, I gasped but he shut me up by shoving his tongue in my mouth 

I moan I was going to push him away but it felt so good, I was close to my climax but he quickly pulled away leaving me in a sexual frustration 

I was breathing hard but he chuckled "Bitch" he kissed me one last time and left, I stood there in confusion, what the fuck just happened 

I was going to follow him back but I fell and everything turned black, I woke up in the hospital, I was so confused 

I slowly got up but there were no monitors next to me, I saw my mom, Isabel and my little brother's?

What the fuck is going on! they were all crying, the doctor came in "I'm so sorry for your loss but it's time to take her to the mortgage"  


"But how can a group of students beat their own classmate I don't understand we need you to arrest each and every one of them my poor Skylar had her whole life ahead of her"

I turned around and I saw my self all bruised up, I remember what happened here this was when Katherine jumped me and Isabel, b.. bu.. but I didn't die I survived

I went back home... I got closer to my body and it was pale, I touched it and I was cold so... I'm dead? this entire time, I've been dead...

What a plot twist huh? I didn't think ya'll expected that but I decided to end it here because I didn't really have a future vision for it and also I apologies that this was short 

but I hope you liked it if you want a sequel let me know :) ~ Serraveno  

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