Maybe, maybe not

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Skylar's pov

    "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO EVAN ISABEL" I looked at her with watery eyes she didn't say anything "Isabel if yo-" she cut me off by grabbing my wrist and yanking me upstairs she closed the door behind me

       I was about to grab her arm to yank it off my arm but she started running....panic was the look she had on her face the whole time I felt my heart dropping every second tears started spilling out my eyes like crazy

Evans POV

     Well this is Deja vu... this time was different I was in a park standing next to this girl she seems sad, she gets up walking towards the sidewalk thinking with her head down until she bumps into someone

She looks up and quickly apologizes my eyes were only on her for some reason she looks very familiar until she was pushed down and I heard her voice "Oh sorry I was just pushing away bullshit from where I wanted to go" I looked up and I saw...

Ethan POV

I looked at Evan and he looked peaceful for once in his life but a little too peaceful I was getting very impatient, the doctor came in "I have good news and bad news" I looked at him full with anger "what's the good news" he crept a small smile

    "He survived the bullet wounds" I looked at him relieved until "but he's in a coma" I froze not knowing what to say all the mistakes I've done to him all the pain

   I caused him... I tried to hold back the tears but it was useless "Sir you need to take a seat" he put his hand on my shoulder pushing me to the closest seat I snapped out of my thoughts

    I grabbed his hand and twisted it breaking his wrist slowly "DON'T YOU FUCKEN TOUCH ME" I pushed him on the ground "sir I'm-im sorry I didn't mean to upset you" he looked at me with fear in this eyes "GET THE FUCK OUT" he froze "NOW BEFORE I DO MORE THEN BREAK YOUR WRIST" he gets up quickly

forgetting about his wrist and puts weight on it he winced in pain and ran out, I thought to myself Maybe I should call Skylar maybe not instead I called Isabel

I: Hello?


I: What why?


I: *gasps*

End of call

Isabel's POV

I gasped the first person I thought of was Skylar she's gonna be devastated and broken sky turned around to see me, I didn't notice tears rolling down my cheeks "what's wrong" she asked I didn't know how to tell her I tried but all I did was stutter

"'s Evan" she looked at me with hella rage "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO EVAN ISABEL!!!!" I had no words "Isabel if you-" I grabbed her wrist and ran out of the basement closed the door and hella ran to the car

Skylar's POV

"TALK ISABEL OR I SWEAR I WILL STAB YOU RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW" she didn't say anything but stepped on the gas I was getting angry so lift my hand and I was about to stab her leg when we stopped in front of the hospital

I then threw the knife in the back seat, unlocked the door and I ran as fast as my little legs could take me I didn't give a rats ass about signing in as a visitor so I tried to find Ethan luckily I found him outside the door from the right side sitting on the floor with his face in his hands

I ran towards him "Ethan!!" He looked up and quickly stood up, I hugged him tight "I know it's gonna be okay I promise he'll wake up soon," he said with his arms around my neck his voice sounding tired and it cracked but I was confused

I let go from his torso and looked up at him "what do you mean he'll wake up soon?!" He looked at me confused but then he looked behind me "Didn't Isabel tell you?" I turn around and I saw Isabel with her head down playing with her fingers

I turned completely facing her I walked towards her and slapped her she stumbled back and looked at me with wide eyes "TELL ME WHAT'S WRONG WITH EVAN" I screamed in her face until I felt Ethan wrap his arm around my waist pulling me back

Before I punched her I had no patience, I was frustrated, confused, broken, depressed "Let me go, Ethan!" He put me over his shoulder and went inside Evans room he put me down "you need to relax for what you're about to see" I tried turning my head around

To see the love of my life but Ethan cupped my face "Are you relaxed?" I sighed with tears falling down my cheeks "Ethan please just let me see him" even tho Ethan looked exactly like Evan I didn't see it that way, I saw two different people because I was in love with Evan

"Okay Sky as you wish" he let go of my face and I slowly turned around to see Evan sleeping with these machines all around him and a tube in his mouth he was either breathing perfectly fine or it was the machines making him look as if he was breathing

I almost fell on my knees until Ethan held me "here sit down on the chair next to him" I walked towards the chair and sat down I reached out and held his hand "please don't leave me again you promised me..."

To be Continued...

Y'all Ik I'm all late and I suck ass but yk I'm in summer which is a more reason to be updating more but here's what's going on I am a Mexican so In that case, I have Mexican parents which are very strict and it's very difficult to be cleaning the house every fucken day Ik wtf y'all pigs or what? well excuse me bitch maybe we are don't hate appreciate Lmaoo jk 😂anyways my point is that I have a lot to do and I finally update I will be making two more books soon and ik once again bitch tf you just said your busy and shit but guys don't worry I'm making a schedule or trying to anyway Just please please please be patient with me and everything will work out nice and slow ~ Serraveno

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