The Plan

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         WARNING ⚠️ GRAPHIC IMAGE ^👆🏻btw this is just a random picture this is not Skylar and I couldn't find another one with two people but you get the point 

Katherine's POV 

I just got the hottest guy in the school Yay! Anyways while that little ugly shit was talking to the other shit (shes talking about Skylar and Isabel) my girl ginger and I had the most amazing idea ever so we made a plan that we were gonna beat the shit out of Skylar and Isabel but not only that we're going to kill them with our hands and finally everything is going to be happy and wonderful 

"Katherine I'm not being in this plan if you get caught that's on you and gingerbread here" "Babe Ik okay? And if we do get caught we won't mention you at all I promise" 

"Alright let's go" before we left I gave him a peck on the lips and smiled at him god he has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen or maybe that's because I'm in love with him? Hmm idk but god he's so amazing we've only been together for like half an hour now but damn it feels like I've known him forever, 

Anyways back to the plan so we got to class early and we told our teacher that the principal was calling her for something Ik it's lame and risky but we thought of that at the last minute, She gave us so much time to prepare everything,

 all we had to do is wait so we did until we heard running and stopped in front of the door we saw it open there was angel and Stacy hiding behind some trash cans outside the door so they pushed them in and we just started swinging and kicking at both of them it was sooo much fun until the teacher and principal came in and told us to back up from the worthless bums

          We did and they called the police but they didn't have much time because their already dying slowly so they just took them to the hospital but I will admit this was a very dumb risky situation but I didn't really care until now because now I feel like I got nothing accomplished because the bitch lived,

It's so weird that Owen isn't here I couldn't find him anywhere "HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK ALL OF YOU NOW" I did what was told to me Everyone was also distracting them so they wouldn't put handcuffs on me or them so then I ran and jumped through the window luckily I got away whew that was close but now it's time I go home pack my shit and go to my secret house and make a plan before I visit the little ugly disgusting worthless piece of shit's

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