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Owen's POV 

I saw Katherine say and do some stupid shit to Skylar? I think that's her name and her friend Isabel I have some classes with them but I don't talk to them unless the teacher tells me too sometimes I listen sometimes I don't 

after what she did she came up to me and started talking, fuck this bitch never stops she asked me out,  I said yeah but I'm just gonna do what I always do fuck them and move on nothing new I'm not really the romantic type never really was...

Katherine planed this fucked up shit for Skylar and Isabel tbh I don't know what her deal is with Skylar but I don't give a fuck that's between them, I'm the middle of her talking until I interrupted her  "Katherine I'm not being part of this plan if you get caught that's on you and gingerbread here"

 she smiled "Babe I know okay? and if we do get caught we won't mention you at all I promise"  I gave her a glare but she continued to smile innocently "alright let's go" I don't know what the fuck went through her mind that she had the nerve to kiss me and then giggle 

     I didn't say anything or do anything cuz what's the point I can't redo time, I couldn't take my chances and stay here just to get caught Katherine's plan is stupid and she is bound to get caught so while everyone was getting in place I told one of her friends that I'll be out because I can't go back to prison,

It'll be fun to visit some fuckers but Nah I'm still planning to do some shit,  I left out the door everyone was too busy getting ready and prepared no one paid attention to me I went out to get some food and smoke with some of my nigga's, 

I was getting bored so I decided to go back but once I did I saw all of Katherine's friends handcuffed by police officers there were about 3 to 4 cop cars outside, I left before they saw me, I don't fucking know why I'm worried about what happened to Skylar and where the fuck she is so I started asking questions to her other loser friends when they told me she was rushed to the hospital, I immediately got her a flower and rushed to the hospital 

Hearing where she is with the condition she was put in makes my blood boil, Katherine's gonna suffer a lot 

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