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I felt a bit better with Isabel by my side I love her soooo much we did everything together, We both got up and threw our trash away and walked outside and sat down under a tree pretty far from where Katherine and Owen were

Isabel cut the silents between us by saying "hey sky when are you gonna stuck up for yourself" 

"I really don't know Isabel I've tried remember but I can't be mean it's not like me at all" 

" Skylar that's a lie remember when we were 6 you pulled a little girls hair because she didn't give you your penny back" she laughed "well that was before when my dad was still living with us I'm not making those mistakes again plus your mom introduced me into being nice" 
She stayed silent and looked at the grass and then back at me and said 

"Well sky the way you act or say is not up to my mom it's up to you" she has a point there but idk sometimes I like being this way it's not easy but it's fun at other times because I get to make other people happy and they smile and laugh "SKY!" 

"Oh, I forgot I was here sorry Isabel I got lost in my thoughts" 

"it's alright but we have to go the bell rang" 

"Let's go!!" We got up and ran to our next class which was on the other side of the school, we got there we entered but we got pushed and beat up I couldn't do anything all I felt was pain and blood running down from my eye, nose, and mouth I think some of my bones are broken I couldn't see Isabel that much,

Until the teacher came In with the principal he told all the kids to back away from us they took us to the hospital but I blacked out once they laid me down on the hospital bed.

Ik this is short but I didn't have much time cuz I did this in class😂 and I forgot to publish it me being a dumbass but whatever hope you like it :)

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