New couple?

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Once I stepped in school for some reason a random kid asked me if I was okay Of course I responded back but then Owen popped out of nowhere and told him to fuck off, all-day Owen has been with me not leaving me for any matter unless I needed to use the bathroom which was rare because the bathroom's can be so disgusting,

 He's being too nice which is catching me off guard, I don't understand why every single time we pass by some group of people I hear "Oh my god Skylar is like so lucky to have Owen as a boyfriend"

 "Hey what's up man did you hear about Skylar and Owen?" And they keep going I even heard one saying "Awww what a cute couple" I'm so confused, I got enough and asked Owen what was going on he didn't say anything he just pulled me behind the bleachers "I meant it when I said we should change the fact that I don't know you enough, I didn't want to ask you like this but would you like to be my girl?" I just stayed silent 

"I don't know why I always get this warm feeling when I see you, I uhhh I think I like you" I froze and looked at him deep in the eyes I don't know if he means it or not it's just so hard to tell "Are you being serious? because I don't want you to play with my emotions" He put his hand on my cheek 

"I'm being 100% serious Skylar there's just something about you that I didn't realize before, I swear I'm not gonna play with your emotions" I smiled and blushed before I can say anything else I felt his soft lips were against mine I was a bit shocked but melted into kiss, I could feel him smirk, I pulled away and we both looked at each other and I knew he wasn't who he acts 

I feel safe and free, I feel like I can myself with him, I feel comfortable with him, for the rest of the day we talked and talked about each other I got to know more about him and he got to know more about me, when I'm with him I can show him how I really feel 

(later that same day) 

A girl bumped into me and as usual, she apologized but I couldn't deal with her crap I felt so free with Owen that I exposed myself to him by getting serious... I looked at her, I walked in front of her and pushed her down "I don't give a rats ass about your apology next time watch yourself you fucken hoe" I turned to look at Owen who was surprised but smiling he took my hand and took me to his car "I knew it" 


" I knew you weren't all good the whole act of goody two shoes was too good to be true why hide?" I breathed in slowly and exhaled "Well you already know my past and my best friend Isabel her mom showed me some ways that can be easier than just struggling with anger her mom is not a good mom, Isabel doesn't know how her mom really works anyway, I followed her word but I don't know I don't feel like I'm me at all" 

He held my hand in his and kissed it "You can be yourself around me babe" I smiled pretty wide "babe?" he smirked, "Yeah you're my girl remember?" I smiled and nodded I like the fact that he called me his girl "Are you a virgin?" I quickly took away my hand from his with wide eyes "What kind of question is that?" I'm so stupid  "It's an innocent question just answer it"

Whoaaaaaaaa Ik I've been writing short but that will change I promise but is Skylar a virgin or Nah? 🤔 and Ik I'm late but school man ugh so tiring and stressful anyways continue:)

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