Because of you Babe

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play the song when I say or you can just play it whenever you want :)

Evans pov

Ethan sat between them while I poured Ethan and I a drink "Sooo are we just chilling drinking or are we celebrating something?" I turned my head towards them and smirked at Ethan

"We're celebrating the return of my brother" Once I was done preparing our drinks I walked towards them and gave Ethan his drink While I walked towards the sofa where I was laying on earlier,

I sat down and got comfortable "Oh my god yes, of course, welcome back Evan it's really nice to have you back mostly because you know a lot has changed and everyone has missed you especially Skylar and Ethan they've been pretty miserable," he said as he took a sip of his drink, Ethan chugged his drink, got up and poured himself another one

I stared at him he seemed to look nervous "I bet they were" I said sarcastically he then poured me another drink and sat next to me "Drink up brother"

I chugged my first drink and grabbed the one he offered me "How fucken generous of you Ethan" he looked at me unsure of what to say so he didn't say anything instead he sat down on the other side of the sofa from me

here come's my beautiful slut and her best friend Isabel "Were back boys we already unpacked everything by the way this cabin is amazing how did you guys afford it" they both walked towards us and sat between Ethan and me, I put my arm around Isabel while Ethan puts his arm around Skylar's waist

"I have my ways" Skylar looked at me with a somewhat worried face, I smiled and she looked away "How about we play never have I ever" Anthony smiled

"Ooooh this should be interesting" I smiled, I took my arm off of Isabel, stood up and grabbed the 4 bottles of bourbon, I sat them down on the little table in front of us until I heard Isabel

"Babe I don't know if this is a good idea" fucken naggy bitch smh, I looked over my shoulder and winked at her "Don't worry I'll start it off easy" she smiled "Alright let's play then," Skylar said while she stood up and sat down on the floor, I followed along and everyone else joined

"Never have I ever kissed anyone in this room yesterday" everyone started to pour the liquor into their shot glasses "Everyone got smooched"

I looked at Eric and chuckled Isabel grabbed my face and kissed me I pulled away and saw Skylar with an annoyed look "Alright fuckers my turn, never have I ever cheated"

I laughed "cheated when Sky?" I looked at her with a smirk she smirked back "Now today" she giggled and sat back proudly I mean we fucked yesterday...

I'll sit back too I saw Isabel pour herself a shot and drank it I looked at her and scooted next to Sky she smiled and scooted next to me too "You cheated?"


She looked at me forgetting that I was there "We'll talk later" she slowly nodded and kept quiet "Your up next Brother" Ethan smirked

"Never have I ever want to be with a certain someone in this room right now" I poured myself and Sky a drink "Here you go gorgeous" she took it and drank it I followed...

Skylars pov

Ethan looked at me in a blank expression "Sky for real?" I smiled widely and hugged his arm "What" he looked at Evan "Did you two fuck?"

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