Like you'll never see me again

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Listen to this song when I tell you too☝🏻:)

                               A week later

Evans POV

I finally got out I did recover but I'm still a little bruised, I'm feeling good, Skylar stayed with me the whole week she never left my side, she helped me out a lot I'm glad to have her in my life she's so inspiring and inspirational, strong, ridiculously beautiful, I don't know what I'll do without her

We're in the car right now she picked me up 8 minutes ago "How you feeling babe?" I
looked at her and smiled "I'm feeling AWESOME BECAUSE YOU'RE MY GIRL!!!!"She laughed

Skylars POV

    I never left Evan NEVER only when I needed to go to the bathroom, I told Ethan and Isabel they could leave and that I'll stay with Evan they both agreed and left, I needed to shower bad because I stank, I told a nurse if she could look over Evan while I took a quick shower in the other room

     But then I had to get my car from the parking lot and put it in front of the hospital I turned the car off and ran inside to pick him up, the nurse decided that it would be best if we put him a wheelchair because he was still a little loopy from the medication that they gave him for surgery

      The nurse and I had to put him in the passenger seat because he couldn't stand much "Just make sure he's taking the medicine two times a day" she smiled at me and I smiled back "Thank you, I will" I gave her a hug and quickly went to the driver's seat

    I turned on the car, I looked at Evan and he was just staring at his fingers "How you feeling babes?" He looked at me and smiled I looked back at the road "I'm feeling AWESOME BECAUSE YOU'RE MY GIRL!!!!" I looked at him and then back at the road and laughed

                 Evan Facetimed Ethan

Evan: Heyyyyyyyyyy bro how are you?!

Ethan: I was in the middle of something Evan

Evan: Doing what?

Ethan: I'll give you a hint I'm with Isabel

Evan: umm ok? Anyways what are you doing? 🙃


Evan: what?

Ethan: I'm with Isabel doing something!!!

Evan: ohhhh alright I get it you rather be talking to Isabel better than your twin brother

Ethan: Bye Evan I love you foo


Ethan: Your fucken retarded bye Evan

Evan: fine bye

    "Babe Ethan is a horrible twin brother" we only need 6 minutes to get home while he kept bothering Ethan he was texting him "No he's not Evan he's just "busy" with Isabel"

     "What is so important to ignore me?!" I turned to the right and parked in the driveway "I don't know babes why don't you just let it go we're home anyways" He looked at me and made a face as if he was about to kill my guts and then it turned into as if he wants to do something nasty

   Ethan's POV

     Sooooo when Skylar told us that we can come home while she's with Evan Isabel had the idea to plan a "welcome back" surprise party I agreed and we got started as soon as possible we didn't tell Skylar

I heard a car turning off and talking when I told all our friends and some cousins to get ready they all got excited and we waited a while I heard as if someone fell on the ground and a giggle I heard Skylar say "Why Evan just why did you think you can do a backflip if you can barely stand still"

    I heard her struggling to pick him up until I heard big loud footsteps walking to the front door and struggling to open the door, I can hear her say "Damn Ethan and Isabel why can't they help me get you inside!"

    Skylars POV

I finally got the door to unlock, I grabbed the door knob and opened it when I heard a loud noise saying "WELCOME BACK LOVE BIRDS"

I saw a lot of people I was in shock "ETHAN ISABEL WHAT THE FUCK?!" They both laughed and came running to help me

    Ethan got Evan and put him on the sofa and I sat next to him "Hey handsome" he looked at a young girl who seemed 13-14 "Cute... walk away this is my man" she looked at me "Really?! Evan you can do so much better"

  "Allison shut your dumb ass up your my fucken lil cousin fuck off hoe go fuck Sebastian" she looked shocked and left running  I giggled

No one's POV

       Once the party ended everyone went home, Ethan and Isabel left to go to a romantic place meanwhile Evan and Skylar were in the living room listening to music, talking and about to dance

(Now play the song)

   Skylars POV

"Evan I love you sooooo much you have no idea I'm so deeply in love with you, you are just the most amazing person who entered my life you make me feel alive and comfortable, I have no idea where I'll be right now without you"

     He looked at me deep in the eyes and kissed me passionately he pulled away and got up "May I have this dance, Ms Salvatore?" I looked up at him and smiled I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up and pushed me against him

He put his hands on my waist and I put my hands around his neck he bent a bit down to my ear and said "I love you so much Skylar you have no idea I'm crazy about you" he kissed me

I pulled away and smiled "Hug me like you'll never see me again" I laid my head on his chest and he laid his head on my head and hugged me tight everything was perfect until...

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