Fuck it

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     Play this song while reading Ik this song is already on a page but I fucked up, I feel like it should be here too

Isabel's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night horrified, someone calling my name I turned around to see Ethan lightly snoring I smiled I kissed his cheek I got up from the bed and walked to the mini-fridge to hear "IIIIsaaaabbeeelll we know your next door"

     I immediately froze "We know you can hear us" and then I heard only Derek talk "I bet you loved hearing us fuck  you fucken slut" my mouth felt drier than when I woke up "I bet you're picturing me fucking you right now huh you little whore"

     I tried moving slowly so they can't hear my footsteps I walked towards Ethan's bag to get out a pocket knife "Babe leave Isabel alone we still have her mom here with us laying on the floor all fucked by you and drugged" they both laughed

     I felt like I just shitted out my 80-pound heart "but baby I wanna have fuck her now let's go in the room" but then I hear Isabella say "be smart babe she could have a weapon"

      "Fuck it" tears started to run down my cheeks I slowly went towards the door and locked it and then I backed up from the door... everything was silent until I heard the doorknob moving... I froze again they knocked softly

        "LEAVE ME ALONE YOU PERVERTED DISGUSTING HORRIBLE HUMAN BEINGS" I screamed out crying my eyes out but that just made it worse they started banging on the door but then it was completely silent and I heard my moms voice say "Step aside Ik how to pick locks"

      I thought she was drugged and she's helping them!? I ran towards the door to hold it shut "mom why are you doing this why are the parents of my best friend saying these horrible things to me what's going on" I heard her laughing but then Derek ran into the door making it fly open making me fall on the floor

       I started screaming and then I closed my eyes I felt like I was being dragged but then after a few minutes I opened my eyes and I looked up at Ethan worried as hell I saw him sigh in relief

        "Hey, babe your alright it's just a nightmare I'm here your here" I looked at him confused I lift my arm and my hand touched His face a tear fell from his eye "Ethan?" He put his hand on my face "yeah?"

"Never ever in your life leave me alone this dream felt so real"

    "I know but it's alright now I'll call to get some pizzas...while they're getting here tell me what was your dream about" He looked at me in my eyes "okay"

Skylars POV

        "W...what is that?" We heard loud banging on the door my brothers got scared I did too I looked at them "Stay here don't move okay?" They both nodded I looked at Evan

       "You stay here too Sky" He looked less loopy and more serious than ever "No I'm not leaving you, your still loopy I'm coming with you" he smiled and walked towards the door

before he opened it he grabbed his gun from a little counter with a plant on it next to the door He opened the door to reveal......

Ethan's POV

      Hearing my girls dream about her mom and the parents of Skylar, I feel horrible telling her everything is gonna be alright after what happened last night before she blacked out

       I did something I'm not proud of but I have to save her and Skylar her little brothers too I have to tell Evan soon I love Isabel and I'll die in pure misery if anything bad happens to her

I can't let them do that it's impossible and disgusting so I'm making a plan I have to kill them before they have the chance to do the "big secret" to them... I called the pizza place I looked at Isabel and said "they said they'll be here in 8 minutes since it's already ready"

She smiled weakly "okay but seriously Ethan please don't you ever leave me I'm scared that really freaked me out mostly hearing my mom helping them trying to get to me" I pecked her lips "I will never leave you if you want we'll get handcuffed"

She giggled "No it's okay I just never wanna lose you too I'm scared not to be with you" a tear fell from her eye I wiped it off her cheek "Baby that will never happen I promise you're stuck with me for life you can't get rid of me" she smiled and kissed me

Just continue to know who showed up at Skylars door :)

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