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Sorry, I've been handling hard shit lately but I hope this makes up for it!!

Skylars pov

While Evan was out Eric and Isabel and I were talking about how his house is crazily beautiful until he came back but started acting really weird and different "Hey beautiful" but he wasn't talking to me he was talking to Isabel I got mad "What the fuck did you just say to her?!" He just stared at me and walked towards me 

"Oh, my bad gorgeous" and he kissed me but I pushed him what kind of asshole does that but then another Evan grabbed him and punched him "Ethan we've been over this" I was soo confused...

Isabel pov

What the actual hell why was Evan flirting with me?! Skylar just pasted through something horrible why would he do this? But things changed sooo fast...

Eric's pov 

WHAT THE FUCK!! lol what's going on?!

Evans pov

 I come back to my brother kissing my girl pretending to be me, I'm getting tired of his shit, sky pushed him away, I went up to them and punched him in the face he fell and I kicked him until sky grabbed me "Hey calm down his down" I didn't want them to meet my brother  just yet he left me no choice he kept coughing and everyone just stared at me "This is my twin brother Ethan Landon" 

Skylars pov

Ohh damn!!!! "Pleasure to met ya'll what a warm welcome brother" I giggled and so did Isabel Ethan looked at Isabel "Hey, Ethan I'm still looking for my apology" 

He looked at me and smirked "Oh right my apologies and may I add you look very familiar" he smiled and kissed my hand "Wait what do you mean I look very familiar?" He smirked but Evan punched him "Shut the fuck up Ethan"

Ethan's pov

I walked up to Evan and whispered "You didn't tell her yet?" He shook his head I turned back around and noticed the other girl checking me out, I looked at her and she looked down, she started blushing 

"And what is your name?" She looked up and smiled "umm Isabel" she giggled I like her giggle it's cute, I started walking towards her until a guy stood in front of me

 "Oh my god so your Ethan, Evans twin let me tell you something real quick if you decide to switch up I'll be here or if you have a friend send them my way" I chuckled "Actually I do know someone I'll show you tomorrow" he smiled widely "really?"

 "No" I smiled, he frowned and patted his head "Don't try that with me again alright?" he nodded and moved out of my way, my phone rang, I took my phone out of my pocket and answered it 

Isabel's pov  

I was a little disappointed that he didn't talk to me more but maybe next time or maybe he has a girlfriend...  I shook the thought and sat down next to the pool

Hope y'all liked this and makes up from the days I didn't write 😂🙂🙃

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