Back again

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It was dead silent until Ryan broke the silence "Ooh sky has a boyfriend" Joshua followed his lead "If he is mean to sky I will beat him up" I smiled at their loving words "Skylar who is that?" Before I can respond to my mom Isabel interrupted me 

 "His name is Owen he goes to our school and he's the popular guy but not by football or anything he doesn't play, to be honest, I can't remember why he's popular" I knew she was lying about how she didn't know he got popular but that's easy he is rich, his uncle owns the school but never is there also because he's the school's bully and he's hot...

        "Oh is he a gentleman?"

 "Of course he is I mean c'mon mom look what he brought me" she nodded and smiled I knew Isabel is excited and freaking out in the inside but I'm not sure maybe this is the only place he can talk to me, maybe the first and last time, I frown at the thought but shrugged it off 

(A couple of days passed and finally, Skylar's out of the hospital)

     Isabel is helping me get ready for school again she decided that I should wear some jeans and a cute shirt that says I'm permanent ironic, but anyways I put on some black vans and grabbed my stuff we headed downstairs,  we ate quickly because we were running a little late 

so we rushed to her car and out we go I blasted music like always, we sang danced, right when the song ended she parked her car and I was a bit nervous coming back to school, it hurts to see that I almost died in this school but Isabel is always there to support me and help me get through the day, I inhaled and exhaled here we go...

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