That night changed everything

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Play the song when I tell you to👆 dude guys shits crazy and its oooof I'm shook... I need to stop since I wrote this :)


Isabel's POV

I noticed that sky and Ethan are getting too close and friendly I understand that they both love Evan and he is basically their life, it's been tough for the both of them but I'm having lots of thoughts on why they are spending so much time together, they have been leaving me out, they have secrets so I was testing them to see what's actually going on between them... and this has been going on since that night...

on my behalf, if they actually are hiding something from me then it would be kind of my fault because I probably pushed them together so in the meantime of all that I basically stalk them using Eric and his boyfriend Anthony as leverage more of a distraction, what I found out about them is probably unforgivable but I also have a secret and they might hate me for when they find out if they do Since that night changed everything...

Ethan's POV

I will say that night, that one specific night has changed everyone's ways especially mine and Skylar's we've been closer than ever before I've been thinking a lot about her lately, when we would all hang out all three of us Isabel, Skylar, and me there was something between Skylar and I that sparks, I know that shit sounds cheesy but its true its amazing, its more then what Isabel and I had, I'll be honest when I say that when Isabel and

I were together and Evan was in a coma, Skylar and I have been figuring shit out but also being a couple on the down-low we don't talk about it but I am very happy with her she is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I truly love her unlike Isabel, yes I know this is wrong but it feels right 'im sorry brother'

Isabel is recent with Eric and his nigga, she doesn't know that sky and I are together and currently, Sky is here

"Hey babe what are you thinking about?" she came with snacks and sat down next to me on the couch "You and how much I love you, how much you mean the world to me, I'll be lost without you right now since that night you know"

she looked at me with worried in her eyes "Ethan baby I know that this might be the worst decision that we've ever made but we have to tell her soon and I'm sorry for ruining the moment" once she said that I stared at her blankly

Skylar's pov

Ethan just stared at me blankly I don't know what he's thinking but Isabel is still my best friend she has the right to know... It's been hard lately and I'm getting blamed for a lot of things, but what I do know is that it's been a year already and the last time I've seen Evan was when he died and I wasn't there to be with him instead I was with his twin brother Ethan and now he's.....he's gone...forever

*Play song flashback*

Isabel has been blaming me for so many things lately 1. She thinks that Evan did not move and that I moved him, which I gave her that one I did want to believe that there was hope for him, that I would see him smile again, hear him laugh, and most of all hear his voice

2. She thinks that I'm trying to steal Ethan from her I mean yeah there was flirting but it's harmless we only joke around, I love Evan he is the love of my life, he made me who I am today, he helped me through my problems, he didn't judge me, he respected me, he was my first, he loved me more than my parents, he knew me, the real me...

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