Authors note

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Play while reading this is an important note or whatever you wanna call this please understand and love all of you and don't give up on your dreams or your future take care :)

I'm gonna take a break a lot of shit is going on rn and I need space it's too much that I can take and I'll be back soon to continue this story, I'm pretty stressed and if you can call it depressed and everything it's just

overwhelming it's hard because everyone puts you in an impossible position where you don't even know who you are, your lost and you can't find yourself, EVERYONE in your life is just stabbing you on the back constantly they lie, use, and hurt you physically and mentally and it's getting hard to trust people and to even love someone, 

you're trying to escape from this prison but you can't because you're holding yourself back and of course something or someone is also holding you back you even cry to sleep you try to distract yourself but it gets worse and so on btw I'm talking about my self but I wanted you guys to see my perspective of things...

      Anyways I'm gonna take a break and try to deal with everything but I'll come back as soon as possible to keep writing this book because it means the world to me in some ways hope you guys are enjoying my book so far even tho it might be cringy asf lmao love you guys and I hope you all are having the time of your lives and living it the best way anyone can always smile no matter how horrible or bad the situation is keep being strong and always love yourselves never stop, just trust yourself if you can't trust anyone else...

  So bye for now and I'll talk to you guys later :)

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