True self

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Skylar's POV

"WHAT THE HELL?! Owen! Why do you want to know? Do you want to take it away?! Ugh, why am I so stupid you only want me for dirty stuff why did I believe you?!" My head was full of words I wanted to cuss him out, my heart hurt so much I can't beli-

"Sky calm down I don't want to take away your virginity it's just a simple question and I'm just curious because your different from other girls I mean your gorgeous and smart you practically have everything compared to my life your living in heaven and I feel alive again when I'm with you, I really like you I don't want to lose you over some stupid question, I will wait for you and if you want me to go to the doctors and get checked I'll have an appointment ready" 

Wow, this guy really must like me, he seems like he's telling the truth ugh why did I jump into conclusions "I'm sorry I didn't know you felt that way and that's a definite yes you should make an appointment just in case" I smiled "I like you too like a lot" he smiled and gave me a passionate kiss his lips were soooo soft

I keep falling more and more for this boy he makes my heart flutter, he makes me feel normal and free from everyone and everything, he fills the empty space inside of me, he makes me smile and laugh, he makes me feel butterflies, I feel protected and loved I think I'm in love with Owen Landon

I never really saw this day until now that's actually happening I'm so happy and excited he makes me feel New all over again god what did I do to deserve him :) 

Isabel's POV

"Where the fuck is Skylar I've been calling her over and over again ugh this is so unlike her!" Eric our gay best friend  "Bell calm down you sound and look like an overprotective mother and that doesn't suit you at all honey you need some air c'mon let's go for a walk you need it" 

"shut up" I laughed and agreed to the walk "Hey Eric isn't that Owen's car?" he gasped like a drama queen  "Omg it is, do you think Owen and Skylar are together?" I shrugged my shoulders "I don't know let's go check it out" we speed-walked towards his car but nothing so we decided to check inside the mall, we kept walking until I saw something that made me speechless "Oh shit" I heard Eric "SKYLAR WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING"

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