Chapter 7- Done Cleaning

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Kathryn's POV'

"It's Daniel's fault! He was the one who started all this mess!". I said while pointing at Daniel then he looked at me and turned into a WHAT?! look.

"Hey! I was gonna make us a breakfast". He said in defense with an innocent look plastered on his face and the next thing I knew it we were now arguing with each other. Then Bella interrupted us.

"Shhhhh! Will you please shut it guys!? I'm so tired like my mind is gonna blow into pieces!". She said making me and Daniel to shut up then she puts her bag on the corner beside the kitchen door and jumped on the couch while she puts both of her hands below on her head.

"Oh please Bella!... You didn't even broke a sweat like we did". Jeeyan said while she walks into the fireplace then puts some logs in it and blowing and fanning the fire with a piece of cardboard so that the fire will become bigger. Then after that she went upstairs while she stomps her feet.

"Yeah.... whateves". Bella said while she roles her eyes and shuts her eyes to sleep.

"Umm.. what's up with these two?". I asked in confusion while I rubbed both of my hands on my thighs because my hands were very sticky.

"Well.. along the way. These two are fighting over a One Direction magazine. I don't know who found it first but seriously, they're fighting over a stupid magazine?". Jazzy said while she crossed her arms.

"That was not just a magazine, that was a limited edition and let me remind you that, that was a One Direction magazine! it's so very rare and I was gonna have one till somebody claimed that it's hers well it's nooot!!". Bella yelled while still in that position on the couch and her eyes were still shut.

"Hey! I had it first!!". Jeeyan responded very loudly because she was now in the bathroom. We all just laughed at them because of their fight over a magazine, That's my friends alright.. so obsessed with boy bands. I mean c'mon the world is gonna end and you're gonna waste your time by fighting over a magazine?. I sighed at the thought that the world is going to end. It's just that it's so unexpected that all these things will really happened.. Oh well, that's what other people say, 'expect the unexpected'. After a long awkward silence filled the air. Enrique said something.

"So.... I'll just gonna make you guys some food and please clean up all the mess you and Daniel have made". He said then he ran upstairs and went into into his bedroom to put all the guns in his drawer that he brought today. After that he ran downstairs and went into the basement to get the mop, bucket, broom and dustpan. Once he found all of those stuffs, he walked towards us and gave us the stuffs that we need for cleaning. I got the mop and bucket while Daniel got the broom and dustpan. We went into the living room to clean all mess. After 30 minutes later, I was so tired. I think I'm having sores all over my body, I feel my limbs are pretty weak right now and I'm totally blaming it all to Daniel.

"Ugh! great job Daniel". I murmured for only me to hear. I saw the corner of my eye that Daniel is already staring at me... weird.

"Why don't you take a picture.. It'll last". I mimic him before while smirking but I didn't looked at him. I guess he thought I didn't saw him?. Well buhu! I did. I turned my head to look at him then winked. He was shocked and then he quickly turned his attention to his work... That's for messing me around earlier.

Daniel's POV'

I was so busy admiring Kathryn's beauty. I can say that she was beyond perfect I know that 'nobody is perfect' thingy but when you're in my place right now.. You're really gonna say those words. Even though her hair is in a ponytail style, her hair still looks like the best. Her skin is so white and soft, Her face is so gorgeous, Her eyes are very stunning, Her cute cheeks when I make her blush, Her pinkish lips murmuring about something. I'm not sounding very pervert here like I'm checking her out but she's just so pretty and I can't stop making compliments about her. I was being put back into reality when Kathryn said something.

"Why don't you take a picture. It'll last". She mimic me before while she does her work and smirking. I thought she wouldn't notice me staring then she turned her head to look at me then I saw her beautiful eye winked at me. That made me want to melt. I quickly payed attention to my work and feel butterflies taking all over my stomach. I guess that's what I get for messing around with her. 30 minutes later, me and Kathryn were now done cleaning the place. We put all the materials in the basement that we used for cleaning. After that Enrique told us that the food is ready so me and Kathryn went into the dining room, took our seats, prayed and ate our breakfast. After we ate our breakfast me and Kathryn washed the dishes and fixed the dining room.

"Ok.. so I'll just tell you guys when I'm already done cooking our lunch". Enrique said and went into the kitchen to cook our food.

"Uhg!.. I'm so tired.. I could really use some rest right now". I mumbled while I walked towards the couch and stretching both of my arms. I leaned my body on the couch so that I could take some rest. I see Kathryn sat beside me and leans her back on the couch. It was really awkward.

"So... Ummm.. Whats up?". Kathryn asked me with a shy tone in her voice trying to break the awkward silence while she was watching up.

"A ceiling.. isn't it obvious? Actually you're already looking at it right now". I answered her question with that she gave me a fake smile and she laughed sarcastically.

"Nothing much.. Just wanna poke something I guess". I answered her question again then gave her a confident smile and she gave me a confused look.

"Hmmmm.. You're weirder than I thought Daniel..". She said then she raised me an eyebrow and I scoot closer to her.

"Well... Maybe I should poke you here?". I said then poked her on the nose which made her scratch her nose with her index finger while putting her head down and a very cute smile formed on her face. Awwww...

"Then maybe I should poke you..... here!". She said then poked me on the cheeks and when she poked me, I feel electricity flow over my body which made me smile from ear to ear.

"Heeey!". I said then gasped and pretend that I was uncomfortable by her touch but the truth was I want more so I decided to poke her on the stomach which made her giggle. She poked me on the stomach too then I did the same until we were now tickling each other.

"Daniel.. stop! I'm extremely ticklish on my stomach.. I'm gonna pee myself if you won't stop!". She said in between laughs and I just laughed at her.

"Never!!!!!". I said while still tickling her stomach and God! her laugh is so cool! like if I had a cellphone right now.. I'm totally gonna record it and make it my ringtone. Wow! weird right? maybe Kathryn was right after all.

We were laughing very loud and didn't payed attention to the surrounding around us. Then suddenly somebody screamed behind the couch making me and Kathryn stop.

"BUTTERFLIES ALERT". Jazzy suddenly shows her face behind the couch and yelled very loudly.

"Yeeeaahhh! like they were in a relationship together". Bella added and suddenly showed her face behind the couch beside Jazzy. Stalker much?

"Hey! guys c'mon.. we're just friends.. right Daniel?". Kathryn said while she was still laughing how her friends magically teleported behind the couch. I feel very disappointed because of the word she just said earlier.... 'friends' I guess she doesn't feel the same... how sad!. It kept on repeating on my brain then I remembered that I didn't replied to her yet.

"Oh.. yeah, right!". I said trying to make a happy voice and gave them all a toothless smile.

Kathryn's POV'

"Oh.. yeah, right!". Daniel said with a toothless smile plastered on his lips. I was very disappointed because I thought he would react, frown or walk away but I guess not. Uhg! maybe you should stop assuming things Kathryn.

"Guys! Lunch is ready!". Enrique yelled then we went into the dining room to eat our lunch.

***Hey there! I'll do the same thing. Don't forget to comment, vote and whatsoever.. c'mon! I won't bite.

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