Chapter 30- Infected

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Kathryn's POV'

"Where the heck is Dj?!". I asked them on top of my lungs like I'm going to die if I'm not going to see my boyfriend. Questions immediately corrupted through my brain, but I know that Dj swore to me that he will protect me for the rest of our lives and we will loose our minds together until we will be like those flesh eating widows. I scanned the old subdivision area and still no sign of Dj. I'm beginning to doubt that he will ever come.

"We have no choice, we need to leave him". Enrique said then sighed heavily feeling loss of energy. When I heard that, I felt a stinging pain in my heart like it broke into a millions of pieces. I know Enrique doesn't like that idea. Dj is his best friend and they've known each other for years and therefore that idea is absurd!.

"No! please, we need to wait for him". I said while looking at Enrique with pleasing eyes, hoping that he would nod his head and show pity for me and luckily it worked and that made me feel relieved.

"Uhg, guys. I see trouble coming". Bella said while pounding the car to get all our attention then we looked at the direction where she is pointing. A group of zombies came an started roaring loudly in seeking for human flesh. My heart started pounding into a million of seconds per minute. Then, I started to feel alive when I saw Dj from the mirror running as fast as he can from the zombies. Run Dj! run while you still can!. Then he made it out alive, good thing those zombies are so slow. He put both of his hands in the side of the back of the car then jumped quickly then he was trying to breath heavily. I smiled widely thinking that Dj is now in the back of the pick up truck safe and sound. Thank God my anxiety is now over.

"K, Step on it!". I heard Dj yell then Enrique nodded in response showing that he had heard Dj then he was going to start the car but eventually it didn't.

"Enrique! Lets go". Dj said while scared was the only emotion that you could describe on his adorable face, clearly he was intimidated by the roar of the zombies.

"Uhg, guys. It won't start!". He said while letting all his anger out at the steering wheel. I quickly thought of an idea.

"Then we just have to push it and try to start it up". I suggested then he nod his head in agreement. I immediately opened the door then me and Lyle went outside to push the car. When they all saw us pushing the car, then they jumped and helped us. We pushed the car with great force, doing everything we can and happily there were progress, the car slowly moved.

"Push! like you've never pushed before!". Bella said to make us push even harder. I took a glance at my back and the zombies were getting closer.

"Start it up!". Dj yelled to Enrique then he tried to start the car but unfortunately it didn't start.

"We need to try harder". Jeeyan said then we pushed with brute force while sweat was now pouring down on our cheeks but what would you prefer?. Do you want to push for your precious life or sit around and do nothing and to just wait until zombies will come and get you. I think we already know what's the answer.

We all knew that the zombies were now closer to us so Dj started to stop pushing the car then he took his gun out and started shooting at the zombies. He shot one of the zombies in the eye, he shot another one in the kidney part then into the heart, and he shot a zombie directly in the head and of course blood started to trickle out from their bodies but there was so many more zombies. O.M.G.,  He's so good at aiming things, So much accuracy!. I shook my head at the thought of the disgusting blood from the zombies although it was still like human blood but still it manages me to wanna go puke.

After that he put his gun back to his gun carrier and started to help us push the car.

"Now, start it up". Dj said then Enrique started the car. Fingers cross, I hope it starts and luckily it started. We all jumped into the back of the pick up truck then I held Lyle's hand to help her up, when she hopped into the back of truck, her teddy bear fell down on the truck and the truck was now moving.

"Oh, No!. My teddy". She exclaimed loudly then jumped out of the truck. She was a bit hurt by the impact of the landing of her feet but it still made her to stand up straightly then she ran to her teddy.

"Stop!". I shouted while tapping at the roof of the car repeatedly then the car stopped. I jumped out of the car then I started to ran after Lyle until I was too late.  Zombies have now caught her and started to bite her. I felt my eyes started to water and I let the tears pour out of my eyes. It felt so much pain that another one of your love ones just died. I know I just met Lyle not that very long but she was now one of the people that I truly care but now she died right in front of my eyes. I promised to myself that I would protect the people that I care after my mother and father died but eventually I failed to do it. I wonder if I'm going to end up alone which is I'm literally scared of ending up alone.

I felt my knees were getting weaker and weaker until I fell into the ground and burst out crying. I want to cry so bad to let out the pain inside me. I didn't even bother to stand up to ran back into the car because there were still zombies to eat me. I heard voices yelling my name repeatedly but I chose to ignore it. The zombies were now very close to me, the one was going to bite me but I didn't feel anything, although I felt something stinging in my right arm. I heard skull crushing and bodies were falling on the ground.

I felt somebody yanked my arm to force me to stand up. I was going to fight back but he's so strong, to end this, he carried me up bridal style. When I felt his strong arms carry my body, I felt safe then I remember the first time he held my hand and there were sparks everywhere.

He put me in the back of the pick-up truck then he jumped in it. I opened my eyes then the car started to run quickly.

- - -

We stopped in front of an abandoned warehouses because it to take some rest there and it was going to get darker already and believe me guys, its not safe to go outside when its nighttime because you'll never know, zombies can be hiding into your back.

"Phew! that was intense. Good thing no one was hurt". Enrique said while opening the car's door then he stretched both of his arms and rubbed the back of his neck.

We all stood up from the car then I saw Dj staring at my right arm. He was looking at it as if he was going to stare at it all day.

"Umm, Kathryn, why is there blood on your arm?". He asked still focusing his eyes on my arm with her tone all worried and a slight of shivering. He hold it and slowly examined it. I looked at it then my eyes became wide. I have no idea what happened to this, maybe the zombie's blood splash into my arm, then something bad hit in my mind, what if it isn't?.

I slowly lift up my sleeve then revealed a scratch was marked on my arm. After seeing it, me and him were all speechless, I felt like all sharp object were stabbed into my heart making my eyes to build up tears. I don't know if you're going to be infected just a single scratch. Maybe I'm going to die young after all. There's only a half a chance if I will live or not. We don't know the answer yet but this question kept on repeating on my head. What if I'm now infected by the virus?

***O.M.G! You probably hate me right now but I tell you, don't be because-- errr just don't be. You'll find out in the next update! so stay tuned. Im so sorry for the very long update because clumsy Bella here accidentally deleted this chapter then when I rewrite it again, screw me ! because I didnt freaking push the save button, like what the hell :'( . So.. pretty please comment, vote and tell your favorite grandma to read this story because our grandma this days can be very cranky so tell them to read this story to be a distraction for them. Lewls xD !!.. like my grandma :D .

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