Chapter 28- A Little Kid

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Kathryn's POV'

I was sleeping heavily because of the work we did yesterday. I felt somebody shook my body nonstop and actually it was totally ruining my sleep.

"What?!". I said angrily while squirming in annoyance.

"Get up! we saw the owner of this house!". A male voice said excitedly while still shaking my body nonstop. Uhg.. please Daniel make it stop.

"Mfffmmfffmmfm". I said with my head on a pillow.

"Sorry I don't speak that kind of language you used there. Now get up Kathy!". Dj kept on begging me. I really can't take this anymore so I decided to just wake up.

"Ok. I'm up jeeze". I said while stretching both of my arms then yawned. He nodded his head then kissed me on the cheek and walked to the other girls to wake them up. I blinked both of my eyes so that my eye's vision will be clear. I stand up then walked outside of the room and walked downstairs. As I was walking down the stairs I saw in the corner of my eye, a cute little girl sitting with her teddy bear sitting on the couch while holding a cup of coffee and she was looking in the cup deeply. Confused was the only expression that was plastered on my face. Who is that girl?. I walked upstairs again to ask my boyfriend. When I was about to open the door, the door suddenly opens then my friends appeared.

"Hey Kathryn! Good morning". Bella, Jazzy and Jeeyan greeted me in unison.

"Good Morning too. Umm, why do you guys always greet me simultaneously?". I questioned them while crossing both of my arms then I leaned my right arm on the door.

"Uhg, big words hurt my brain". Bella said while she was scratching her hair.

"Hahaha, Like.. if you have a brain". Jeeyan mumbled then Bella rolled her eyes and they all walked right pass me. I walked inside of the room to ask Daniel, he was fixing all of our beds.

"Umm, Dj.. Who's that little girl downstairs?". I asked him.

"Her name is Lyle. She's one of the owner of this house. You know, one of the little girl in the picture". He answered me while he folds the blanket then it hit in my mind the faces of the family who owns this house.

"Oh right. Where did you and Enrique saw her?". I asked him.

"We saw her at the back of the house hiding from the zombies.. I guess". He said then put the blanket on top of the pillow.

"Oh ok.. I'll go talk to her". I said and Dj nodded his head. I walked downstairs to meet the little girl. When I was now down the stairs, I saw Bella, Jazzy and Jeeyan cuddling with the little girl. Awww.. how cute. I walked towards them to join their little bonding with  the little girl.

"Umm, hi! you must be Lyle, I'm Kathryn by the way". I said sweetly while waving at her then I sat in the couch with them.

"Hi". She replied then gave me a half smile. I was really curious that where is her family right now. I better ask her.

"Umm, Lyle. May I ask you something?. Is your parents still here?". I asked her slowly then she looked at me.

"Yeah, but the last thing I remember was they were eating our neighbours flesh and my sister was being bit by our neighbours, when they saw me, they chased me with their mouth full of blood and I think their were trying to kill me. So I hid under the back of the house so that they won't find me and now, the only thing that I have right now is my teddy bear". She answered my question then a tear fall down her cheek while she was hugging her teddy bear tightly.

"Awww.. Don't cry Lyle. You're with us now. We will take care of you". I comforted her then me and my friends hugged her to make her feel better. After 10 seconds we broke the hug then my friends went into the dining room to eat their breakfasts but I didn't join them because I need to comfort Lyle, so I decided to stay with her in the couch.

"It's going to be alright Lyle. I'm sure your sister and your parents are in a good place right now". I said while brushing away a few strands of hair on her face.

"Thank you". She said then smiled at me. I smiled at her then all of the sudden, I felt somebody tapped me on my shoulder so I turned to look at her.

"Ummm, maybe you two should talk together because we feel so out of place right now and second we're so hungry". Jeeyan whispered then I nodded my head. They all stood up then went into the dining room to eat.

"So what do you wanna do Lyle?". I asked Lyle. She thought of something then an idea went into her mind.

"We... something for fun?". She suggested shyly and slowly. It would be cool to play with a little kid again. Last time I played with a kid was about 5 years ago? so I really miss hanging out with cute kids.

"Yeah sure!". I said with enthusiasm in my voice then I saw her face suddenly lit up and smile widely.

"Thank you mommy!. Umm, can I call you that?". She asked politely. I wouldn't want her to be sad so I said yes.

"Hey! Lyle, Hey! Kathy. You hadn't eat your breakfast yet. So I suggest you two should eat. It what keeps us from not dying". My boyfie said in a joking voice in the last sentence. He is kinda funny though, that's one of the reasons why I love him.

"Ok Daddy!". Lyle said then she nodded her head. She said what now?. My eyes were all widened when I heard what little Lyle had said.

"Daddy?!". I questioned Lyle shockingly.

"Yeah Mommy, I call him Daddy". She responded.

"Mommy?!". Dj exclaimed. Ok, now I'm confuse. Why would Dj and I react. I mean, we're in a relationship. Hahaha, Weird!

"Yeah, she calls me Mommy". I said to Dj then raised him an eyebrow letting him know that is there something wrong with it. He shook his head then smiled.

"What??". I asked him why was he smirking.

"Nothing.. just that, we have now our very own daughter". He said while giving me one of his charming smile then chuckled.

"Hahaha.. yeah, whatever". I said sarcastically while flipping some of my hair dramatically but deep inside, I like it, I would like how it feels to be a mother. Lyle was just giggling at how we are so immature right now.

"So.. Are we going to eat or not? because I'm gonna faint any moment now". Dj said while he rubs his tummy like he was so hungry. Pfft! drama queen. Me and Lyle stood up then we went into the dining room to eat our breakfast.

***Hey hey hey! I'm so sorry if I haven't updated for like forever!. Don't worry , I'm going to update tomorrow as soon as possible :) OR .. maybe today! which ever comes first. So did you like this chapter? lemme know what you think and don't forget to comment, vote and whatsoever.

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