Chapter 9- First Kiss?

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Kathryn's POV'

"So is everybody ready to have some fun?". Enrique said excitedly while he is mimicking like a little boy scout holding both of his bag's strap. Awww, cute! but Daniel is , cuter, more adorable and well the list goes on.

"Yes!". We all said in unison and grabbed all our bags then I noticed that I didn't bring my bag yet. Ahhhh! shit, I forgot my bag and comb upstairs.

"Guys, I forgot my bag and my favorite comb upstairs.. I'll just catch up with you guys later". I said to them and nodded there head. They all went outside while I go upstairs to get my bag and comb. While I was walking towards my room, I heard footsteps behind my back so I decided to stop and turn my head and surprisingly it was Daniel. Why is he following me anyways?.

"Ummm, why are you following me?". I asked Daniel while we walk towards our room together.

"Well, we're partners right?, so I guess maybe we should go outside together". He said kinda nonchalantly in his voice while he opens the door for me then I walk inside and he follows. Wait! did he just say 'partners?' like you know what I mean.. Did he mean it?.. but he said it kinda like it's not a big deal... but for me it really does mean alot to me. I went silent there while looking for my bag and comb because my mind was filled with Daniel this, Daniel that.

Daniel's POV'

Kathryn went silent when I said those words. Oh! no, did she took it seriously.. I don't want her to be uncomfortable around me or worse, what if she doesn't want to talk to me.... FOREVER?!?!. I was now nervous like hell. I need to think fast.

"Well, you know.. like friends". I said to her which made her stop a bit. 

"Yeah.. like what else?". She said then the both of us didn't spoke anything. Ugh! I regret that I said those words before.. now we're feeling extremely awkward right now. After a minute of awkward silence, she finally found her bag under the bed but she didn't found her comb yet. Moments later she still didn't found her comb yet and I was really impatient so I helped her find her comb. I looked on the shelf and I feel something really odd so I slide the thing out of the shelf making it fall off the ground and luckily it was the comb. Me and Kathryn went to grab the comb which made us hold each others hand. Both of our eyes became wide and looked at each other. I feel a little sparks beside me when I feel the warmth of her touch. I feel like a bajillion butterflies flying around in my stomach, I know there's no word that is bajillion but it feels so right. We kept on watching both of our hands touch each other until Kathryn removes her hand then grabs the comb and quickly stands up looking awkward. I stand up too and I tried to say something but nothing really came out of my mouth. Can this day be any more awkward?.

Kathryn's POV'

Oh God! I just touched Daniel's hand and it feels like I'm in cloud 9 dancing happily but I remembered what he said earlier which made me feel like a million arrows shot my heart so I quickly remove my hand from his touch then grabbed the comb and stand up while I feel the most awkward moment in my whole life.

"Oh.. ok.. well.. umm.. thank you for helping me there". I said to him then half smiled at him and put my head down. We saw the door open by itself then Jazzy's face appeared.

"Excuse me.. Kathryn, did you saw Jeeyan's powder?". She asked me with her face hoping that I would say yes.

"No.. Since when do you use powder? Hmm?..". I responded to her while I crossed my arms together and raisd her an eyebrow.

"Awww... Fudge it! Well... me, Jeeyan and Bella are gonna play truth or dare tonight in our tent". She said then after she said it, she closes the door gently.

"So.. I guess lets go then". Daniel said while he opens the door for me but I didn't go outside yet because I need to fix my hair first. I walk towards the mirror then started brushing my hair... I guess I just like my hair alot. I saw the corner of my eye that Daniel looks so pissed right now because of me being so slow. Hahaha! deal with it. I was brushing my hair then I saw Daniel in the mirror at my back with a creepy smile on his face. Hmm, I wonder what's up with him.

"Ummm, Daniel.. Your kinda creeping me out right now". I said to him in the mirror while I was still brushing my hair but he didn't respond to me.. Hmm, I smell something fishy here. While I was brushing my hair, Daniel quickly grabbed the comb that I used and ran outside. Are we gonna chase each other forever?. I was gonna run after him but when I was at the door, I quickly stopped and jog backwards then get my backpack.

"Don't want to forget you again". I said to myself then chased Daniel. I looked around for him at the house but he wasn't there so I decided to check him out at the backdoor that leads into the back of the house. Once I opened the door I was amazed at what I saw. There grass was so green and plain. The puffy clouds and bluish sky. The cold air that hit my skin. I scan the area to admire its beauty then I saw Daniel sticking out his tongue behind the tent.  I ran quickly towards him then he started to run again. I can't catch him, he's so fast. I was still chasing him until I felt my legs very tired, I stopped then sit down on the grass while trying to catch my breath.

"Daniel!!.. Please stop! I'm not gonna kill you anymore!". I shouted at him while I feel sweat flowing down my face. Daniel stops then he ran towards me. He saw the tiredness of my face then he grabbed something from his pocket and it was a blue handkerchief. He kneel down then he wiped the sweat on my face gently. I watch his face as he concentrates on wiping some sweat on my face. I don't know why but suddenly I feel alive like I'm not tired anymore. I guess I'm really into him.

"Ok!.. that's better". He said putting his handkerchief in his pocket. I gave him a toothless smile then he helped me to get up. We walk towards our friends and they've already built 2 tents.

"I wanna do something!". Bella said while she stretch both of her arms.

"How about... tag your it". Jazzy said while she touched Daniel on the shoulder then ran off. Seriously? I'm literally gonna die because of running. We all ran off so that we wouldn't caught by Daniel. He ran towards Enrique but he can't catch him because Enrique is too fast for him. He looked at us who is he going to catch then his eyes landed on me and he got an evil face plastered on his face. I knew that he's gonna chase me so I ran and he ran after me. I was running while I watch my back and he was getting closer and closer until he jumped at me making both of us role on the grass together. I moan in pain then I opened my eyes and Daniel was on top of me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. We were staring at each other then I feel Daniel leans in slowly while he shuts his eyes. I shut my eyes too while I feel my heart beating so fast. Is he gonna be my....... First Kiss?.

***Oooohhhhh! cliffhanger alert! Really sorry guys! I just want y'all to be curious.. Hahaha xD .. So.. what do you think of this chapter.. Let me know what you think! Don't forget to comment, vote and whatsoever.. BE A FAN!

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