Chapter 27- New Car

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Kathryn's POV'

Once we get all our bags from the car, we walked upstairs and their was only one door, showing that their was only one bedroom.

"Umm, I think we're going to share this room". I said and they all nodded their head. Once I opened the door their were 6 beds that are lined and the room was so big.

"Yay! Dibs on the big bed!". Bella said then ran into the room.

"Hey! no!. I saw it first". Jeeyan said and ran after Bella.

"No.. that's mine!". Jazzy exclaimed and ran into the bed and joined Bella and Jeeyan's fight over a bed.

"Are they always like this?". Danny asked me while he put his left arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah.. that's why I'm lucky to have friends like them and especially I'm very lucky to have someone like you". I said then kissed his cheek then I gave him a chubby cheek smile.

"Me too". He said confidently then kissed me back on the cheek and suddenly my friends came out of nowhere beside us.

"You're the sweetest couple ever existed in this universe!". They all said together loudly making me and Daniel jumped in surprise. They always ruin our sweet moments.

"UGH!! TOMATO SAUCE!!". Enrique shouted from downstairs sounding a bit annoyed.

"I'll go check on him". Dj said to me then I nod my head.

Daniel's POV'

I walked downstairs to check on Enrique what's making him angry. I checked on the living room but his not there, I guess his on the garage. I opened the door into garage then I saw Enrique kicking our truck's tire.

"STUPID TRUCK!!". He said while kicking the truck's tire repeatedly then he sighed and kicked the tire once more.

"You know, that's not how you thank a car for helping us to survive this world". I said nicely hoping that I would make him calm down.

"What?". He replied to me while doing an unbelievable face. I walk towards him slowly while holding my hands together in my back.

"Just forget it. Care to share why are you screaming so much to the car?". I asked him then patted the car on its top.

"The tire seems to have small hole in it". He answered me.

"Oh, So.. what now? I'm not gonna risk my life again by finding some tires and I need to protect Kathy, you know what those things outside are capable of". I said kinda harshly because when it comes to protecting Kathy, I'm totally dead serious, If she will no longer be in this world, I really don't know what to do. She's my life.

"Well.. what choice do we have Daniel?". He said while crossing both of his arms.

"We could take that car". I suggested while pointed at the pick up truck next to our truck.

"Hmmm, isn't that stealing?". He asked me then raised me an eyebrow.

"C'mon! the owners are probably dead right now". I said nonchalantly then leaned my back on our truck. Ok.. that was really bad, I take it back.

"I don't know Daniel.". He said while rubbing the back of his neck then shrugged.

"C'mon! think about it. Now we have the chance and you're just gonna I don't know, I don't know? that's nonsense!". I said to him kinda loud.

"Ok, Jeeze". He said then put both of his hands in the air like he was giving up and suddenly we heard the door opened by itself revealing the girls standing in the door.

"Why are you here?". I asked them.

"We thought that you guys were arguing about something". My girlfriend respond while they walked inside the garage.

"Oh, its nothing. Its just that one of the car's tire has a hole in it". I replied to her.

"What?! What are we going to do now? What if we're going to be stuck here... FOREVER!". She suddenly freaked out. I decided that I should calm her down.

"Hey, hey, don't worry. We already found a way". I assured her by giving her a big hug then she hugged me back.

"Thank you". She thanked me still hugging me then I kissed her forehead sweetly and suddenly we heard somebody clears her throat.

"Other single people over here". Jazzy mumbled then an awkward look was plastered on their faces. Oh, I forgot that they were in here. We immediately break the hug then put our head down and giggled.

"Anyways... we're going to use that car". Enrique said then he pointed the pick up truck and thankfully they all accepted.

"Am I the only one who thinks that the pick up truck looks kinda rusty and old? And not to mention it's pretty ugly". Bella said like she was not contented of the truck's look then she examines it.

"Yeah, she got a point though, we need to do something about it". Jeeyan said and agreed that she likes the idea of Bella. I mean, yeah.. sure it looks kinda bad in shape so I think we need to redesign it. I slowly nod my head then Kathy looks at me and she nodded vigorously.

"Yaaaay! Make over.". Jazzy said happily with excitement in her voice.

"Hey guys! There's some paint and some paint brushes in here". Enrique said while putting his left hand in a box, when he yanked his hand out, there was a small can of red paint and blue paint then he put his hand again to get the brushes. Once he got the brushes, he gave us all a brush. I opened the cans then I gave them a paint too.

"We'll color it red then the designs will be blue". Kathy suggested then we all nodded our head and we started painting the truck red.

Bella's POV'

Several minutes have passed and we were finished coating the truck color red and we wait for an hour to passed because we need the red paint to be dry first. After that we were now designing the car color blue then something went on in my mind. A smirk started to form in my face and started to design the truck's butt, you know what I mean then I heard somebody chuckling behind me. I turned around to see who she is.

"Wow, I'm speechless". Kathryn said while pushing me lightly and giving me a joking face.

"What???". I said kind of a bit annoyed while still painting my design.

"Seriously? Enrilla?". She stated and giggled a little. Uhg! shit. I thought I wrote the right one. I guess thinking a ship name for Kathryn and Daniel would bring me to giving a ship name for me and Enrique but really, I didn't mean to right that.

"Oops.. I thought I painted the right one". I said hoping that she really would believe me.

"Yeeaahhh Right". She replied then she slowly nodded her and went away. I exhaled then wipe some sweat in my head. I need to do this again. After a half hour have passed, we finished designing the car. It was red and some cool blue designs.

"Woah.. cool ship name you got there. Who are they?". Jeeyan said behind me. I turned around to face her.

"I know right! That's the ship name I gave to Kathryn and Daniel. Well, they're the only couple in our group". I replied while stretching both of my arms. We all went inside to sleep but I stopped then took one last glance at the design I made. 'Kathniel'... not bad at all.

***Yay! It's so nice to be back here in wattpad. Did ya miss me? because I miss my readers :( lewls xD DRAMMMMMMA!.. Thank you so much for being patient and still sticking up with my story. So did you like this chapter? so go ahead and comment, vote and whatsoever. Remember, Bella loves you my readers ! :3 Hahaha.. DRAMMMMMMA! I should probably stop that!. lewls :D.

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