Chapter 29- Hanging Out

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Kathryn's POV'

When we were now all inside the dining room, Me, Dj and Lyle took a seat so that we could now start eating. It was awkward so I thought for a second that I should chat with Lyle in order to break the awkward silence and so that I could get to know more about Lyle. I cleared my throat at first.

"So umm, Lyle, what does your mother and father do for a living?". I asked her. She stopped eating for a second then she started talk.

"My father was a farmer while my mother was just taking care of us". She replied to my question. I nodded my head and then I kept on asking her some questions.

"Umm, Lyle. What is the name of your other sister and how old is she?". I asked her while shoving some food in my mouth.

"Her name was Kyle. She was 11 years old and yeah, I'm older than her". She said while focusing eating her food. Me and my friends all looked at each other with shocking eyes because we thought that she was like 7 years old.

"You're serious right?". Dj said with his face that looks like he wasn't believing Lyle. I stepped on his foot because it was very rude. He mouthed 'ouch' then he gave me a what-the-hell look. I just glared at him to let him know that what he has said before it might hurt Lyle's feelings.

"It's ok, I'm used to it but I chose not to be affected by that". She said with her voice like she really was telling the truth then I saw the saddest frown ever. I felt very bad for her so I am going to cheer her up.

"Awww, cheer up Lyle!. Just don't mind them because they're just insecure of you". I said to make her feel better.

"Yeah! you go Lyle". Dj supported me to make Lyle feel better with his voice like he was cheering somebody but suddenly I remembered what he did before.

"And I think Dj has to say about something to Lyle". I said while looking at Dj. When he saw me looking at him he stopped shoving some food in his mouth.

"I think you're very pretty". He said confidently then started eating I stepped on his foot once more then he gave me a death glare because he was now really pissed at me.

"Yes, but that's not it". I said.

"Oh, I'm very sorry Lyle. it won't happen again. He apologized to her then we all laughed and we started laughing.

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After we ate our breakfast, I washed our dishes because I'm the one who is in charge of the dishes today. While I was washing the dishes. I saw from the window, Lyle, Dj, Enrique, Bella, Jazzy and Jeeyan was playing with a ball in the backyard of the house. Who ever has the ball must think whoever will he or she throw it and the other player must catch it. As soon as I was done washing the dishes I quickly put all the dishes in the cabinet then ran outside to play with them.

"I see you already figured out what game you're going to play". I said to Lyle, she nodded her head in response then a cheeky smile plastered on her face.

"Kathryn... Heads up!". A familiar voice said then it startled me a bit so I quickly looked around into the direction where was the voice coming from and my eyes landed on Bella.

"Watch out!". She screamed a little then the ball bumped into my forehead. I felt kinda dizzy then I touched my forehead and it took me for like 2 seconds to react.

"Ouch! that hurt like a lot Bella!". I said while rubbing my forehead to ease the pain. I saw Dj running into my direction.

"Oh my God!. Are you hurt? Do you feel something unusual? Do you still remember me? What is my name? Who are you?". Dj said so fast like he was being chased by a bunch of rabid dogs and a worried look on his face.

"Don't be such a drama queen Dj. It was just a little". I said then he realized that he was exaggerating so he backed away and he nodded his head. I smiled a bit because after all this days have passed he still cares for me. I picked up the ball from the grass then passed it to Jeeyan. Several minutes have passed. We were now covered in sweat from the game we played so we chose to sit on the grass to regain our energy and to catch our breathes. Everybody just hysterically laughed at each other.

Daniel's POV'

It's so nice being in here outside while hanging out with the ones you love especially the love of my life. I watched Kathryn as she was laughing like a total maniac together with our friends. Seeing her very happy once again made my heart to flutter a bit and I didn't hold myself then I let out my charming smile. I hope she could be like this forever.

"C'mon! who's ready for round 2?". Enrique partly shouted then we all stood up to play once more. When Enrique threw the ball, it was very high then I didn't caught it eventually and it went to the other fence.

"I'll get it". I assured them, they all nodded their heads then I hold one of the fences and hopped over to the other side.

I scanned the place to look for the ball and it hit on my head that the lawn was very ugly if I may say. Some fire woods were scattered all over the places. I realized that maybe a group of people must've been here and left eventually. I suddenly heard a mysterious thud in the back of the house. Curiosity suddenly rushed into my body. I walked slowly into the thud while my knees were shaking nonstop in fright and carefully not to make any noise as possible.

When I was now back at the house, I saw a bunch of zombies in the backyard. Some were wondering around trying to find their next victim. I slowly backed away from the backyard then suddenly I heard something cracked. My eyes went all wide then my heart went down to my stomach when I saw all the zombies looking at me. They've just found their next meal.

"Run!". I yelled loudly to warn the other members then I quickly ran as possible trying to not let the zombies eat my flesh.

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Kathryn's POV'

"Uhg! it's been 1,000,000 hours!. where's Daniel?". Jazzy mumbled impatiently.

"You're just exaggerating. We'll just wait for him". Jeeyan said while she was lying on the grass feeling tired and watching the blue sky.

I started to get all worry about Dj because as a matter of fact, Jazzy has a point though, it will not make you a half an hour to pick such a very small ball.

"Run!". We all heard that familiar voice then each of us immediately stood up in our feet and questions begun to flood into my mind and they were negative ones.

"Everybody get in the car". Enrique shouted then we immediately followed his command. Enrique was the one who is driving, Jeeyan, Bella then Jazzy hopped into the back of the pick up truck's back and lastly I sat beside the driver's seat while Lyle was sitting on my lap. The car's engine has now started and it was making its way towards outside. We all felt nervous but nobody can compare what I'm feeling right now. I was feeling mix of emotions because the only thing that made me to feel this way is where the heck is my boyfriend!.

***Oh My Gosh! Intense! . lewls what do you think will happened? are they going to make it out alive?. Stay tuned for the next chapter! and don't forget to vote, comment and whatsoever.. Be A Fan!

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