Chapter 11- Camping

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Kathryn's POV'

We walk towards our friends and wave at them so that they would see us. Once they saw us, they immediately stand up and ran to help us carry the log.

"There!". Enrique said then we gently put the log in its place. Daniel and I cut some logs with the Tamohawk Enrique gave us so that we can make a fire at night, after that me and Daniel put the logs in the center of the log that we will use for sitting. It was almost night and we were done preparing all the things so we decided to just sit on the logs and wait when the sky is going to be dark. I think it's going to be fun.

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Daniel's POV'

"Ahhh.. shit! it's so freaking hard to make a fire". I heard Kathryn mumble in her breath while she was making a fire. I walk towards here then squat to help her.

"Let me help you". I said while grabbing the lighter and paper in her hands.

"It's ok DJ.. I got this". She said while she yanks the lighter and paper in my hands. I nod my head as I watch her trying to make a fire. While she was lighting the paper with the lighter, it was so dark so she accidentally burned her hand making both of the 2 things in her hand fall.

"Ahhh.. fudge". She said while she holds her index finger with her other hand. Oh no! that must've been hurt alot. I saw her eyes are about to water and now tears started to come out in her eyes. I quickly get my flashlight in my backpocket and light it to Kathryn's finger. I want to take a look in her finger but I can't because Kathryn's hand is in the way. I shove her hand out of the way but she won't.

"C'mon.. let me see it". I begged her and started to shove her hand away but she fought back. She cried even harder and moan in pain.

"Does it hurt?". I asked her in a carrying tone.

"Oh, no... it's just nothing. It doesn't hurt like SHIT!". She said and I just laughed at her being sarcastic.

"Ok... Stay right here. I'm gonna go get something". I said then stand up and immediately walk towards in Enrique and mine's tent. I was looking for a medical kit then I saw it beside the bed of Enrique. I quickly get it and walk outside. I open the medical kit and saw some alcohol and bandages.

"Give me your hand". I said to her then she gave me her hand where she burned it.

"Ok.. This might sting a bit". I said then she tightly closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip, waiting for me to pour alcoholic on her hand. I slowly put alcohol on her hand and she moan then new tears started to build on her eyes. I closed the alcohol then put it in the medical kit. I get the bandage and gently put it on her hand then I was now done putting the bandage on her hand.

"Done!". I said then she opened her eyes. I noticed the tears in her eyes then I decided to wipe it in her eyes with my thumb and that made her smile greatly. C'mon Daniel keep going!. Then I kissed her burned hand and she smiled even more.

"Now dwat wasnt bwad at awl dwoes'nt it". I said in a sweet baby voice to make Kathryn happy and I didn't failed because she giggled cutely.

"You're so immature". She said then playfully rolled her eyes. I just laughed at her

"But... thanks though". She said which made me think that I get another score. After she said it she gave me a warm smile and I gave her a warm smile too then I remembered that we didn't make a fire yet. I returned the medical kit in its place then grab the lighter and make a fire. Finally I made a fire then Kathryn and I both sit on the logs to wait for our friends. Many moments later we saw our friends walking towards us.

"Hey guys! wow, I see you already made a fire Kathryn". Enrique said with an impressed look on her face.

"Oh.. thanks but actually Daniel helped m--". Kathryn said but she was cut off by Jeeyan and Jazzy shouted in unison.

"Oh my God girl! what did we miss?". Bella said with excitement on her eyes. Yay! her friends ship us so much.

"Shhh.. guys, your gonna wake up all the zombies if you won't shut up yet". Kathryn said with an embarrassed look on her face.

"Ok... So lets start our camping!". Enrique said while he signals us all to sit down then of course we sat down.

"So does anybody want to suggest something what should we do first?". Jazzy asked us all then something went on my brain.

"We could sing songs". I suggested then they all like my idea then they nod their head.

"Let me just go get my guitar inside". Jazzy said then Kathryn was confused.

"Since when do you have a guitar..... young lady. And how on earth did you know how to play one?". Kathryn asked her then all her friends looked at her with a confused face.

"Well.. I found it on the woods lying around when me, Jeeyan, Bella and Enrique went out to look for water and logs. I've been practicing when I was a little kid. I didn't told you guys because if I did, you're going to make me the guitarist on that boring musical play Mr. Chris made". Jazzy said then her friends nod their head in understanding.

"Ok.. so let me just go get my guitar inside". Jazzy said then when she was about to stand up, Bella grabbed her wrist then she stopped.

"What Bella?". She asked confused with her 2 eyebrows meeting each other.

"But we're in camping. We're in the middle of the woods. You didn't brought your compass". Bella replied.

"Tsk! Drama queen. First of all Bella, we're only going camping in the backyard and our house is only a few steps away". Jazzy said then gave Bella a poker face.

"But you wouldn't experience the camping spirit". Bella said with a pout on her lips. Seriously, where did Kathryn found these people?.

"Bella has a point there Jazzy". Kathryn said while blinking, signaling Jazzy to just get on with it so Jazzy just nod her head in annoyance.

"We can clap though". Jeeyan suggested then we nod are head and started to sing some campfire songs. We sang so many songs and of course a few laughter along the way. Then Bella suddenly interrupted us.

"Hey guys, I'm hungry". She said while she rubs her tummy like a panda.

"But you're always hungry Bella". Kathryn said in between laughs.

"I'm a little hungry too". I said while I mimicked Bella before.

"Ok.. so I guess I should bring out the marshmallows". Enrique said then we all said 'Yay!' and then he ran inside our tent. He walk outside of our tent then walk towards us with both of his hands holding a bag of marshmallows and sticks. We all grabbed some sticks and marshmallows then put the marshmallow on the stick and put it on the fire but not that very close. After the marshmallows were now hot we start shoving it on our mouths while Bella is making fun of the marshmallows. I looked at Kathryn while she was laughing and it made my heart very happy to see her filled with so much joy then I felt someone forcely shove marshmallows on my mouth making me to fall of the log. They all laughed at me then I as well laugh too. I just love hanging out with my friends, especially Kathryn.

***Hello my oh-so-amazing readers! Did you like this chapter? Let me know what you think! and don't forget to leave a vote, comment and blah blah blah whatsoever. And sorry for all the wrong grammars in this chapter.

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