Chapter 25- Scary Movie

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Kathryn's POV'

"I'm bored. Lets go watch a movie!!". Jazzy said while she jumps into the couch where she, Bella and Jeeyan use to sit.

"Great idea". Dj said then he walk towards me and sat beside me.

"I'll go get the C.D.". Enrique said then he quickly ran upstairs and get the C.D. Once he got the C.D., he ran downstairs and put it on the D.V.D.

"So.. what are we watching?". I asked him.

"I don't know because the cover was being ripped apart but the only thing I saw is that it's a horror movie and a true story". Enrique replied in a spooky tone when he was saying the last sentence.

"Yaaay!". Jeeyan, Jazzy and Bella said in unison with excitement.

"But I hate scary movies!". I whined like a baby. I really don't like scary movies that are true stories since I was a little kid.

"It's ok.. You have me". Dj said while he gave me a bear hug and I put my head on his chest then I somehow relaxed into his hug. When I'm in Daniel's arms, I feel very safe. The movie was now starting and the title appeared on the screen, it was 'Night Scream'. [A/N: It's not a real movie. I just made it up. Lewls xD]

"Oooh! I've heard of that movie before. The story was about 4 teenage girls and 2 teenage boys watching a scary movie at night just like us!". Bella said then Jazzy and Jeeyan made spooky sound making me to be scared. The movie was now starting. My friends were watching the movie intently while I was just hiding from Daniel's arm. We were now half in the movie then there's this scene that the killer was hiding in the kitchen and the girl went into the kitchen. It was dark and she was only carrying a candle. While she was walking around the kitchen looking for clues, she didn't know that the killer was following her in the back holding a knife. She heard a little noise behind her then she slowly turned around and screamed while in the shadow, she stabbed by the killer and then the killer made an evil laugh. Daniel noticed me that I was scared by the movie so he made the hug even tighter. I relaxed in his hug then decided to sleep because I really can't take this movie anymore, so many jumpscares.

I was sleeping peacefully until I felt something was wrong. I opened my eyes and Daniel was not here anymore, even my friends are not here anymore. The room was dark but not too dark because the moon was shining not so bright. It was very quite then it hit in my mind that maybe Dj and my friends are now sleeping so I walk upstairs silently then slowly opened our room but no one's in there. I went inside slowly then shut door and tiptoed towards the bed, There was a piece of paper on the bed so I picked it up and try to read it but I can't because it was like the same as dark in the living room then I heard something dripping in our bathroom, I walked slowly in the bathroom to check it out. I felt something was terribly wrong then I saw in the corner of my eye a shadow ran outside the door. Actually, I'd never felt this scared in my whole life.

"Wh-wh-who's th-there!?". I stuttered with so much fright in my voice then gulped. I walked outside the door and looked from left to right then started to walk slowly down the stairs.

"Wh-who's the-there!". I asked harshly and trying to sound brave then I heard the kitchen's door move a bit. Oh gosh! anything but not the kitchen, then I remembered the movie and I started to walk slowly in the kitchen while my feet were shaking nonstop. I opened the door then went inside. I grabbed a frying pan for protection incase their really is a killer in the house. I walked towards the window so that I can see what does the piece of paper say. I put the frying pan on top of the shelf beside me then I started reading it.

"Behind you". I whispered reading it then I heard a thud noise in my back and my eyes were all wide. Fright quickly takes over my body as I slowly turned around then I quickly picked up the frying pan and immediately slapped the dude. I hit the man with the frying pan hardly as he fall into the ground.

"Kathryn!". Bella shouted, while she suddenly walks inside the kitchen's door then she turned on the lights.

"Wha-I-I-I-why-I-uh- What the hell is going on in here?!". I asked Bella then Jazzy, Jeeyan and Enrique walked inside of the room.

"All of those spooky things were just a prank!. Don't you remember? today is the first day of April and you were like, 'hahaha! I'm not gonna fall one of your pranks again". Bella replied making me to remember that today was really is the first day of April, so I crouch and removed the guy's mask to know who is this and it was Daniel feeling unconscious. Oh my God!, there was a big swell.

"Oh Dj!.. I-I-I didn't mean to hurt you". I said and I felt kinda freaked out while I cupped his face in worrying.

"C'mon. Help me take him up to our room". I said then my friends helped me carry Dj. I hold his head then Enrique hold his body and Bella was holding his left foot while Jeeyan was holding his right foot we walked upstairs carefully so that Dj will not fall. We put him into bed then I put a blanket on top of him.

"Go take care of your boyfie". Jazzy said then they all went outside. I heard Dj moan in pain then I quickly check him out.

"It's alright. You have me". I said and assured him by holding his hand. I'm so sorry.

***Hello readers!. So like I've said before, so sorry for the late update because our internet is broken. I didn't know who broke it but I'm sure as hell that I didn't do it(or maybe I did, I don't know) and right now I'm in my grandma's house. Don't worry because my mom will call someone and get it fixed but right now just wait. So Like it? Love it? so go ahead and comment, vote and whatsoever.

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